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This is a question The EU

Why not have a question about the EU referendum? asks Spanishfly. Rather than something you have done or experienced. Let's hear how you think leaving the EU will affect you.

(, Mon 27 Jun 2016, 13:44)
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Fair enough, but

1) I'm pretty sure the EU didn't cause toxic mortgages in the USA and malpractices in the City. That's what caused the crisis. The mediterranean countries were hit hardest and a few flaws came to light that might otherwise have remained in shadows. These were faults by individual countries though, it was not EU policy to audit countries. Since then the northern EU countries have pushed strict measures onto those countries in ways that are not always helpful for a quick resolution but serve to bail out German and Dutch banks that are invested in those countries and to shore up the euro.
I disagree with this but it doesn't make me want to leave the EU. And since the UK has never been in the euro it has little baring on the referendum.

2) would the average worker been better or worse off if they'd staid outside the EU? The transition in Poland in the 90's was a mess if I remember rightly.

3) I agree on Greece, their actions threatened the Euro so the northern european countries stomped on them for their own interests. But France and the Netherlands are sovereign nations that are not denied referenda by some evil-doer in Brussels. If a country cares enough about the EU to vote in a government on the proviso that they hold a referendum on leaving the EU, then that happens as we've seen. I think Brexit proves there is no limit on the democratic choices of individual countries.

There is no democratic deficit. Most people in the Netherlands don't want a referendum and really resented the referendum on the trade treaty with the Ukraine that was forced through by a minority lobby last month. But even then the referendum still went ahead and our PM has told the other countries he cannot accept the treaty without some clear amendments about no steps towards candidacy and no military collaboration. Again, where is the democratic deficit?
(, Wed 29 Jun 2016, 13:47, Reply)

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