When was the last time you were properly told off? You know: treated as an errant child rather than the sophisticated adult you are.
The sort of thing that dredges up an involuntary teenage mumble of "Sorry, Miss" whilst you stare at the ground.
Go on, tell us what childish thing you were up to when you got caught.
Oh, and can we have more than one-line answers this time? Cheers!
( , Thu 20 Sep 2007, 17:18)
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Okay then, those of you who have seen my picture can tell: I'm not really a frightening looking person. I'm of about average size, not particularly muscular, and not of unusual appearance- just another unremarkable guy.
However, there is one thing that sets me apart a bit: the Dad Voice, coupled with the Whammy.
See, if I get annoyed by someone, I (apparently) get a very stern and disgusted glare to my eyes. And if I'm really pissed off, that glare is enough to make children spontaneously burst into tears. I inherited this gift from my father, who calls it the Whammy.
And if I'm irritated, my voice gets lower in pitch and I project (all unconsciously, by the way) so that I get a deep stentorian rumble remeniscent of Brian Blessed. I get the same tone that one would associate with an old fashioned Headmaster- authoritarian, commanding, and colder than Ann Coulter's fanny. I rarely have to raise my voice to anyone, as that usually does the trick.
But if I get really angry and raise my voice, it comes out with a steel edge to it that a drill sargeant would envy. It's been known to cause an entire group of children who I wasn't even addressing to flee and hide behind their parents' legs, as though I had turned into Darth Vader and skewered Obi-Wan before their eyes. My kids refer to this as the Dad Voice.
One summer's evening I was in the Adirondacks with my kids, visiting the family as I do every summer around July 4. My parents' house is at the end of a little road, and down the road from there is an old sand quarry that my father owns, referred to as the Sand Pit. My kids and I always went there to build a bonfire, roast hot dogs and marshmallows and set off sparklers, and that was the plan for this evening. I went down there and build a good sized fire- about three feet across, I would guess- in the little fire pit we kept there, and got it going quite well. I then went back to the house to get the kids- I think they were finishing dinner by then, as it was dark, so I guess the hot dogs must not have been in the plan- and got the marshmallows and sparklers and whatnot and returned up the road to the Sand Pit to get everything set up before they got there. But on my arrival, I found that someone had poured a bucket of water over my fire.
To say the least, I was furious. But as the cunt hadn't done a thorough job, within ten minutes I had it going again, and when the kids arrived there with their cousins and my sister, there was a proper blaze going again. I quietly told my sister what had happened, but otherwise just played the cheerful Dad. Marshmallows were toasted and eaten, sparklers were had by all, and I set off a couple of small rockets besides.
Suddenly a bright flashlight came from the road about fifty feet away, and a voice spoke. "Are there any grown-ups here?"
"Sure!" I called back. "Come on over- we still have marshmallows!"
The light settled on me now, but drew no closer. "Do you think that it's a good idea to be setting off fireworks when there are woods around us?"
I realized in that instant that here stood the cunt with the water bucket. "As it happens, I do," I replied in my coldest voice.
"Who are you?" the cunt demanded.
I drew myself up and spoke in my best Headmaster voice. "I am the Resident Loon*, son of Doctor Loon, who owns this land."
"Well, I'm coming back there with a bucket of water to put that fire out!"
I used the drill sargeant voice and roared, "You will do no such thing! But thank you for your concern!" And in the following silence, in the distance I heard my voice echoing back from the mountains.
The light wavered at this blast and the murderous glare from my eyes, and the cunt mumbled something I couldn't hear and retreated down the road. My sister stood to one side, a little frightened to approach me, and I heard my son excitedly whisper to his cousin, "That was my Dad!"
I turned to my sister and quietly chuckled and said, "Well, that should give him cause for pause."
I never heard from the cunt again, and in fact I believe that his house is now up for sale.
You can try to be a bullying cunt with others, but when it comes to me? Yeah, bring it on, cheese dick.
*Real name was used, of course.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2007, 17:43, Reply)
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