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Home » Question of the Week » Being told off as an adult » Post 90811 | Search
This is a question Being told off as an adult

When was the last time you were properly told off? You know: treated as an errant child rather than the sophisticated adult you are.

The sort of thing that dredges up an involuntary teenage mumble of "Sorry, Miss" whilst you stare at the ground.

Go on, tell us what childish thing you were up to when you got caught.

Oh, and can we have more than one-line answers this time? Cheers!

(, Thu 20 Sep 2007, 17:18)
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Sort of telling off...
Cruising down the M32 last December in a bit of a stupor at rush hour, on my way to a lovely evening's rowing in the rain and dark on Bristol docks.
Merc in front of me slows down rather rapid. "Shit shit shit" goes I and swerves into inside lane after getting very very very close to the Merc.
OH MY SAINTED TROUSERS how lucky was I that there was nothing there at that point. I thought I'd hit the thing but apparently no.
Then appears a beeping flashing car on the hard shoulder.
"Wtf?" I look over. Doesn't make eye contact then drops back.
"ok..." thinks I and carry on.
Down the bottom of the M32 at the traffic lights comes a knock on my window.
"You hit me!"
"Did I?! Shitsticks! I thought I'd missed you!"
"Raaaaaargh raghrgaghaghaghg" etc

So outs I get and his ranty got quieter. I ain't the tallest (by rowing standards I'm at the tiny end of the olympic scale :( ) but I had about 6 inches on fatty merc boy shortarse. Plus I hadn't shaved for a few days and was wearing a hoody. So it was a sort of telling off...

Got away with it too! Would have been about £50 to polish out but he never called back. I crapped meself when I saw the golf clubs in the boot of the personalised numberplate wearing silver thing.
My rover had it though. Beast car it was. Till I blew it up about a month later.
Turns out I didn't have an MOT at the time either. Whoops.
(, Mon 24 Sep 2007, 15:09, Reply)

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