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This is a question Being told off as an adult

When was the last time you were properly told off? You know: treated as an errant child rather than the sophisticated adult you are.

The sort of thing that dredges up an involuntary teenage mumble of "Sorry, Miss" whilst you stare at the ground.

Go on, tell us what childish thing you were up to when you got caught.

Oh, and can we have more than one-line answers this time? Cheers!

(, Thu 20 Sep 2007, 17:18)
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As a Smoker and therefore "wrong" I am fair game to be treated like an idiot by all non smokers. Patronising comments are:-

"You do know those are bad for you" - Yes I can read the warnings on the packs, can remember the radio and TV adverts and have been repeatedly told by "concerned" busybodies. Or maybe I need pictures on the packets.

"You can't smoke that in here" - I sometimes have an unlit cigarette in my mouth at work or on the train ready to light when the task/journey is done and I have stepped outside. I had worked in the same job for four years and NEVER smoked in the building, yet sometimes even the production of a packet elicited this response.

Friends tell their children about "bad jMaxi and his nasty cigarettes" and encourage them to tell me off - I have even had a picture drawn of me and my nasty smoke!

Yes they smell, yes they are unhealthy but I am taxed to poverty and am unlikely to be as much of a burden on the NHS as the non smokers living for ages with dementia/other age related diseases tying up all that wealth.

And for all you hippies Josstick smoke is as unhealthy as passive smoke (but smells better).

Length: two inches of ash
(, Tue 25 Sep 2007, 17:13, Reply)

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