What's your most treasured possession? What would you rescue from a fire (be it for sentimental or purely financial reasons)?
My Great-Uncle left me his visitors book which along with boring people like the Queen and Harold Wilson has Spike Milligan's signature in it. It's all loopy.
Either that or my Grandfather's swords.
( , Thu 8 May 2008, 12:38)
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Will it fit properly?
Ah, fuck it, if this doesn't fit properly I'm sure people'll let me know.
Anyway; if my home caught fire, as I said, I'd take my laptop. This is, as many others have indicated, because it's not only the most expensive thing I own in this house, it also contains a lot of memories. Photos, documents, a vast music collection, typed-out thoughts; things like that. Back in February, my old, ailing laptop caught fire in my lap, and I lost a lot of things as the hard drive burnt. Some was recovered, but there were pictures of me from when I was a baby. The original hard copies have been lost for a while, so I kept these 'soft' copies somewhere I thought they'd be safe, because, if my house ever catches fire, I told myself, I'm taking my laptop. The irony as my laptop burnt was delicious, but it's led to me backing up everything on this new machine, as well as being more careful now with hard copies of old photos and letters and suchlike.
Speaking of which; I have a box. In this box, I have kept every birthday card I've ever received* since I was 10 (I'm 21 now), both Valentine's Day cards, and a collection of love letters I was sent by my last girlfriend. When she was prevented from getting to a computer or phone for months at a time, those letters helped a lot. And, seeing as I've been single since that relationship ended in 2005, it's good to read over them and remember happier, more comfortable times.
That said; there's also a list of things I wish I'd kept. Things that I would treasure if I got them back, but which I foolishly got rid of in anger, or childhood stupidity.
*Top of that list, is a birthday card I got from my friend on my 13th birthday. It was orange, had a picture of a car on the front, and has the usual plain sentiments of well-wishing inside. One day, I fell out with the friend who'd sent it. So, in a stupid moment of 13-year old naïvety, I ripped the card up and threw it away. I wish I hadn't, because Richard later helped me through quite a tough time in my life, and I always felt guilty for not keeping that card. I never told him about throwing it away. Stupidly sentimental, maybe, but I'm still angry at myself for it.
Oh, and my glasses. They'd be useful if I needed to escape a fire.
( , Sat 10 May 2008, 1:54, 1 reply)
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