Travelling through Seattle a good 15 years ago, I remembered an old friend I used to blow up Action Men with. We were bored, nothing to lose , so I looked him up in the phonebook. He was the only one of that name in there. "Come and stay," goes he.
Me and my mates were living in a car at that point so a bed was a novelty. After searching for a while, we rock up to a very posh mansion on Puget Sound with its own Helipad. "Come flying," goes he.
Has your luck held out recently?
( , Thu 14 Sep 2006, 18:43)
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I was trying to work out how to afford to go and see a live performance of the musical my fave movie of all time is based on earlier this week. Being rent week, and me only having just heard about it (with a one-week run!), it wasn't really looking good.
I visited a mate in a rough area, and didn't fancy waiting at the train station for half an hour for my train, so I ducked over to the pub for a beer and decided to throw $5 in the pokies- won a mini-jackpot, enough to take me and a mate. I decided, as cash funds were low, to put the tickets on the credit card and spend my cash on food and stuff.
When we got there the next night, the ticket-seller sold me the more expensive tickets, in between me raving about how excited I was, and how much I love the show. I asked if she could cancel those and sell me the cheaper ones as I am poor...
She cancelled them before promptly realising that the funds would take three days to go back onto my credit card. ARGH! quoth I- I dunno if I can pay cash and still live til payday, without any available credit either (yeah, its maxed out).
Since I work in customer service, it didn't even occur to me to go mental at her- she was a nice girl.
So while I'm filling my mate in on what's going on and despairing of getting in, she whips up a couple of *free* tickets. Score!
Best show ever, and now I could afford to buy the Tshirt.
I figured I couldn't do anything nice for her in case her supervisor cottoned on (and she wasn't wearing a name-tag so I couldn't do something anonymous, like flowers, down the track) so I went out and bought some gloves and beanies at a bankrupcy sale for $1 each, and gave them out to homeless people to thank whatever governs karma for this bounty.
Then I got a call from a guy I was seeing a couple of years ago- we've both just broken up with people, haven't caught up in ages, and end up having a spliff and a night of great shagging.
I got a call from my best friend from when I was 15- lost touch when I ran away from home- having kept my number, and we're catching up for coffee today.
Last night I found out that the guy I had been trying not to like has given up on the chick who has been screwing him around for a while, so I got to make out with him. It was fun. Yay!
Also I got to go to a food expo for work this week. Picture the Candy Convention from the Simpsons, but with alcohol, seafood, gelato....you get the idea.
Oh, and I find more four-leaf clovers than anyone I have ever met. I think I averaged around 1 a day this week.
Still, I think karma might just be trying to make up for the manager I am stuck with...but that's another story.
( , Sun 17 Sep 2006, 2:36, Reply)
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