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This is a question Unexpected Nudity

There you are minding your own business, looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when suddenly... SURPRISE TODGER!

Tell us just how un-erotic unexpected encounters with nudey people can be.

(suggested by wanderingjoe)

(, Thu 28 May 2009, 13:32)
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night club nudity.
this one never occured to me a few weeks ago when the subject was nightclubs.

42nd street in manchester, cant remember which night.
mike had just come back from the bar with his usual order (4 double vodka redbulls in 2 pint glasses one in each hand)
and before taking his seat at our table he stopped just infront of it to talk to a pair of girls, the girls were friends of ours so he wasnt trying to chat them up or anything.
anyway behind his back we were all daring and double daring each other to pull his jeans down, once the conductor of said task had been chosen we all sat back to look fro reactions etc.

can you tell what it is yet?

we didnt expect his boxers to come down too, neither did the girls,

but rather than flapping and rushing to get his pants back on he turned to one of the girls and said "here would you hold these a minute" then bent down to retrieve his jeans as if he were tying his shoelace.
(, Tue 2 Jun 2009, 19:00, 2 replies)
2 doubles in a pint glass!
last time I was there (a few years back) they'd stopped doing it - noooo. Only one thing for it, me and my mate sneaked plastic pint glasses in to put the drinks in mwahahahahaha
(, Tue 2 Jun 2009, 22:24, closed)
this was before the ban.
i think they stopped having pint cups altogether.
but they still have them at 5th.
(, Wed 3 Jun 2009, 21:33, closed)

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