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Home » Question of the Week » Waste of money » Post 887809 | Search
This is a question Waste of money

I once paid a small fortune to a solicitor in a legal case. She got lost on the way to court, turned up late with the wrong papers and started an argument with the judge, who told her to "shut up, for the love of God". A stunning investment.

Thanks to golddust for the suggestion

(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 12:45)
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Crapvendors, as me and my friends call them,
direct from Hong Kong gadgets and plastic wotnots and, well, just about anything they make over there, for a fraction of the price you would pay here, with an entirely random degree of quality on what arrives. I know of about 4 sites now.

Some of it is superb! Some of it is completely crap. Most of it is ok.

Biggest waste of money so far, £20 for an MP3 player that when it arrived wasn't the one I'd ordered and you couldn't work half the functions 'cos the internal hardware had no bearing whatsoever with the available buttons and their positions. It had a game of Snake but the left and right buttons were swapped and there was no down. Quality!

I just can't stop tho, I just got a tiny spy camera, it seems to take pics fine and will do video on auto-start (triggered by a noise) but won't record more than about a minute on normal record mode. But it WAS £7, so, erm, bargain!

*sigh* help me!
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 16:52, 8 replies)
If you are addicted to tat
You need www.ashens.com in your life to help you.
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 16:59, closed)
Oh I do love these!
Cheers! :D
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 17:08, closed)
£7 tiny spy cam!
How Tiny ?
and dare i sak which dodgy hong kong website it came from ?
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 17:27, closed)
Also see BestOfferBuy.com...

Muhahahahaaaa! Another one reeled in!
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 17:35, closed)
I love these sites, though I've mostly been getting my tat from DealExtreme, who do a _very_ good line in dirt cheap laser diodes.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 11:47, closed)
How about £4.68 delivered?

These keep getting cheaper, the video quality isn't great but they're absolutely tiny!
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 22:22, closed)
I've bought a couplle of laser pointers, one green and one UV
The green one was £25 from Maplin, the UV one which was at the time £70 in the UK was £12 from Hong Kong INCLUDING p+p. Bloody bargain!
(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 17:45, closed)

what are the sites?
(, Sun 3 Oct 2010, 5:02, closed)

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