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Home » Question of the Week » Water, boats and all that floats » Post 1776063 | Search
This is a question Water, boats and all that floats

Scaryduck hasn't changed the question because he's away drinking on a boat. So.

Tell us your stories of drinking and sinking, in piddly little pedalos all the way up to that oil tanker you "borrowed" ...

(, Thu 1 Nov 2012, 19:34)
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Being cajoled into going out on a pal's home made sailboat
it worked really well going downwind but would give you a negative headway if you tried to sail upwind. By 3AM I was wet, tired, cold and hungry. My pal didn't appreciate being called a twat while he was in the water propelling the boat back to the launch with a flutter kick.
(, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 4:15, Reply)

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