The strangest teacher at my school used to practice his lessons at night. We'd watch through the classroom windows as he did his entire lesson, complete with questions to the class and telling off misbehaving students.
Were your teachers as strange? Of course they were...
( , Wed 9 Nov 2005, 13:43)
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infant school:
Mrs Gin, headteacher
nice old lady, forced into early retirement by people excusing bad behavior by claming "well he told me to do it"
primary School:
Ms Kid, year 3 teacher
in a fit of rage threw a lump of chalk on the floor only to have it bounce up and go up my best mates nose (mutch blood and hilarity)
Mr gentry, year 6 teacher,
school disiplinarian, would start each new year by lecturing the class on how mutch of a shame it was that you couldent hit kids anymore whilst holding a 42" bord ruler.
secondary school:
Mr casey, geography
nice bloke but couldent controll kids for shit. was totaly at the mercy of hormonal-as-fuck 14-15 year olds. he would stop teaching as it was 'close to cristmas' in early november.
Ms Ploughman, also geography
broke a leg whilst stealing birds eggs whilst hiking and missed half the course.
Mr cairns, chemistry
Wild blonde hair, would entertain the class with jokes and anncecdotes rather than do work. cool bloke and his class would always end up getting the top results.
mr morley, woodwork
was obsessed with scribers and would spend 3/4 of a lesson instructing us in thier proper use.
special case, star wierdness award!
Mr mills, substiute maths teacher
about 80 he would fall asleap evry lesson. he was the architypal sweet old man, and as sutch avoided the usuall crap that was normally reserved for substitutes. his nodding off was what cost him his job however as he was caught napping through a important exam he was ment to be envidulating.
( , Thu 10 Nov 2005, 16:41, Reply)
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