The strangest teacher at my school used to practice his lessons at night. We'd watch through the classroom windows as he did his entire lesson, complete with questions to the class and telling off misbehaving students.
Were your teachers as strange? Of course they were...
( , Wed 9 Nov 2005, 13:43)
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"Dr C". you say Mr "A bit manchester"? That must be Dr Catlow... Yup... he was definately unhinged. Always in Tweed, Always with yellow handkerchief poking out of his jacket pocket, and a pipe in his hand...
We had a housemaster, Major C. An Ex Red-Berret, and well respected.
He'd use military terms around the house, "Gennlemen, you're getting up at 0600 hours for ablutions, and then we'll quick-time it to the summit of the hill and back to ground Zero before breakfast"
his response to the RAF doing low-flying exercises through the vally was better... He'd stop half way though a serious bollocking as a tornado plane went over, and his eyes would mist over as eh said "There goes 20 million pounds worth of hardware gentlemen"
His inititals where PVC, earning him the name Captain Plastic, or Prick (the way he wrote PVC made it look like "Pric")
Teh headmaster at the time, Mr Biddy Baxter wrote to the RAF to complain. This was during the gulf war (Version 1), and the RAF were playing hard. After the complaint was processed, planes came over noticably lower, and lit thier after-burners for the 2 seconds that they passed over the school. Windows shook, and lads grinned. Priceless. :o)
Prick was replaced by a biology teacher.. known as "Pecker" for his comedy nose, or "Bean", in light of his invoulantary yet highly accurate portrayal of Mr Bean.
Who Else...
Ed.. "Mad" Ed. An English teacher of bizarre mental state. He would dive under the desks and crawl to a lad who'd got his shoelaces undone, tie them for him whilst grovelling on the floor, and then pay the lad a pound for the privalege of being allowed to do so.
He also paid somone a quid for holding the door for him.
Wavey Davey, and his wife, "Mrs Sex": Art teachers. Both ageing Hippies, and MR Davey was simply the biggest Arse to have walked the planet. The bearded twat.
Mr Dowse... Latin? A mix between the fat controller and mr Toad, this guy regularly shouted "I HATE little Boys" Otherwsie a good laugh apparently.
Doc Rip: Biology Teacher: a Strange lad.. had a dog that was affectionatly known as "Kick-Start", so christened because of a nerve defect that caused the back right leg to hang mid air, and randomly kick. Rumour had it that the nerve damage was caused by rectal abuse.. Obviously not true... but amusing for us lads.
Dr Hugh Symmonds... Maths teacher. Nothing strange about this guy apart rom his amazing abilities as a fell-runner. He's writting a book called "running high" and holds a few records I think.. worth looking up.
oooh.. Stewie Manger. He wrote the GCSE english papers for the UK... and yes. You're probably picturing him correctly. Each time there was a school concert where staff attempted to show off thier Skills, Stewie the short-ass would sing "dirty old town" by the pogues. If anyone in the world owns a black crushed-velvet berét, It's him.
I'd forgotten Mickey Raw's Screw-Kicks. Outstanding, and entirely True!! :D
( , Fri 11 Nov 2005, 12:03, Reply)
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