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Home » Question of the Week » Your Weirdest Teacher » Post 43269 | Search
This is a question Your Weirdest Teacher

The strangest teacher at my school used to practice his lessons at night. We'd watch through the classroom windows as he did his entire lesson, complete with questions to the class and telling off misbehaving students.

Were your teachers as strange? Of course they were...

(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 13:43)
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Errr.. basically please!
I can never hear those words again in the same light after biology. Mr Powell managed to somehow use the word please in every sentence. "Please could you look at this asstape please" He couldnt say the word acetate. Also we think he had whooped up a bollock due to his large adam's apple. When we covered whooping cough he couldn't work out why we laughed!
(, Fri 11 Nov 2005, 13:21, Reply)

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