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This is a question Workplace Boredom

There's got to be more to your working day than loafing around the internet, says tfi049113. How do you fill those long, empty desperate hours?

(, Thu 8 Jan 2009, 12:18)
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OK, so not the result of boredom at all...
...but it certainly helped to pass the time.

I've mentioned before my liaison a few years back with a gorgeous brunette colleague. We'd often nip back to hers at lunchtime so that we could roger each other senseless.

Of course lunch was often a long time away. We'd often try to pass the time a little easier by nipping into a meeting room for a quick fumble, or (more riskily) escorting her up in the lift while I tried to slip my hand up her skirt and into her knickers and back out again before the lift doors flew open. Then there was the time when I stroked her thighs under the table while we had a meeting with our team-mates sitting right opposite.

How we never got caught is beyond me. Good times anyway.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:22, 18 replies)
Haha, yeah.

(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:39, closed)
Have a click
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:40, closed)
Haha, yeah.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:44, closed)
Is there something bothering you?

(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:56, closed)
We're not allowed to write anything involving sex with a woman anymore...
...as it's all made up apparently.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:59, closed)
Oh I see...
...thanks for the heads-up on that PJM.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:01, closed)
You're welcome.
I too once got /talk mugged because I mentioned something about girls in a post.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:03, closed)
Good grief
No nookie allowed on the internet? Well what would be the bloody point of it? :-D

I thought it was a myth that t'internet was only frequented by spotty nerds with no experience of the opposite sex, but perhaps not!
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:05, closed)
oh done the lift..
that was fun. Used to get her to wear stockings (with suspenders as holdups were not very common then.. (yes it was that long ago. still not keen on hol dups. Dont have the same effect on me now)for easier and faster access. Used the disabled loos.. did I feel guilty? Nope because they were on a floor , not accessible by the lift, only stairs so how the fuck a disabled person in a wheelchair was supposed to get there Ill never know... fun times...sigh!
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:56, closed)
Definitely a sussies man myself.
Holdups are a not half as sexy. Thankfully the time between the ping of the lift-door bell and the opening of the door was sufficiently lengthy to extracate myself from the situation!
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:13, closed)
oh completely
nothing sexier. Not that Id kick a lady out of bed for wearing them.. but theres something about them, basques too.. Im just an underwear fiend! hahahaha
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:24, closed)
even i know this is bollocks

(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:58, closed)
Because it didn't happen to you?

I can assure you that every word is completely true. If you don't believe me, that's entirely your choice.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:02, closed)
Well Done!
*click* Nice to have a bit of harmless, normal, run of the mill office shennanigans going on... Its only right n proper to spend the working day trying and sometimes succeeding to get yer end away. I mean, come on, we ARE British, arn't we?
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 16:51, closed)
Only bit that probably isn't true
is that you didn't get caught. I'm willing to bet that everyone and their goldfish knew, and were snickering behind your backs... That's what always happens everywhere I'v worked, anyway.
(, Mon 12 Jan 2009, 17:37, closed)
Entirely possible!
Ach but what the hell. It was worth every minute....
(, Tue 13 Jan 2009, 9:46, closed)

(, Tue 13 Jan 2009, 13:12, closed)
As in 'both' minutes? Oh no, there was far more than that - I just gave details of the stuff that happened during office hours. Much more - another time though.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2009, 14:02, closed)

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