its already disappeared when you were around16.
you are good at self-cheating!
Ding-a-ling fell for a Ding-a-ling, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:03,
i hate you!deadly hate you!
fuck off!
fuck off to the fuck fucking naked lunch!or fucking isle of greece!or even fucking unicorn!
you fucking filthy flabby git!
Ding-a-ling fell for a Ding-a-ling, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:13,
well from what I understand of the situation
Ding hates you*
Greece is an island
You* are a flabby bastard
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors are not available in china
may actually mean me, I honestly don't know
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:17,
You're talking to yourself again Ding
it's a sign of madness you know
DeSpong currently knitting your suggestions - see profile, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:16,
now you see, that just plain old doesn't make sense
pardon my tortuous syntax
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:22,
that means ill throw you out of mind firmly!
clearly enough
and meaningless arguing about nonsense could stop at the same time!
Ding-a-ling fell for a Ding-a-ling, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:27,
I don't think that's going to help one little bit
*twirls finger round at side of head*
*makes cuckoo noises*
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:19,
maybe for you helpless
but for me quite helpful!
Ding-a-ling fell for a Ding-a-ling, Thu 14 Sep 2006, 6:24,