Have you lot seen that MadV on yoooootoooooobe?
Fun to watch.
Best done in reverse order, starting at the bottom of this page and going up and back to page 1.
www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=MadV&page=2wibble. You know I won't care if it's severely silicated phallus.
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 4:09,
I can do that "greatest card trick" thing
it's a piece of piss, just takes a lot of practice
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 4:19,
I like the spinning floating one best I think.
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 4:27,