My baby sister.
A christmas card, even if it was from work, going through the massive box of photos I brought back from my dad's house yesterday - loads of cute pictures of me and my brother and sisters when we were babies.
INCLUDING a photo of Julie Walters pushing me in a pushchair. Quite a claim to fame.
rosie posie tingly bongly, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:45,
wait ... I'm not sure I'm doing this right
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:47,
Needs more exclamation marks.
PsychoChomp, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:48,
The problem with proper photos, is that it's a bit more hassle to get them on the internet.
*sticks it into cd drive and hopes for the best*
rosie posie tingly bongly, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:49,
It's good that you commanded celebrities, even as a child.
Were you shouting "MUSH!" at the time?
I'd have been. Oh yes.
Jam Master Geordie Hero of B3ta., Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:49,