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lol coursework

(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:32, archived)
Plato's division of the soul is problematic,
as it seems to suggest that only the rulers can be just. Justice is the result of all parts of the soul performing well. Part of the function of the reasoning part of the soul is to have knowledge of truth. Since the proles are massive thickies, only the rulers (the philosopher-kings) can have the kowledge required to have optimally reasoning souls, and so they can be the only ones who are just.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:38, archived)
if i'm honest,
i skipped over Plato in college, please don't think any less of me :/
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:39, archived)
Annas suggest
that the producers and auxiliaries can have a kind of justice-by-proxy. Although they cannot know truth, as they aren't of the right class and so don't have the requisite skills and education, they can accept the wisdom of those who can know truth and allow themselves to be governed by the ruling classes.
And so Plato's account of a just city, where the producers and auxiliaries allow themselves to be ruled by the rulers, does also involve every individual being just.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:42, archived)
reply in case you've got more to post

(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:43, archived)
"Annas" sounds a bit like "anus".

(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:48, archived)
it's all relative anyway,
regardless of whether the sources sounded like anus
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 22:54, archived)