good point. it's been fun times, i'll still click some links in the newsletter occasionally and see what you folks brew up next :)
goodbye ladies and gentleman.
PleaseDeleteThisAccount, Thu 8 Oct 2009, 0:59,
That sounds a bit suicidey.
You've made your talk debut tonight, surely you can't just piss off? Though many people have done it before you.
I'm in a right nice mood tonight.
Harold Bishop's Love Child some sort of terrifying sex magician., Thu 8 Oct 2009, 1:04,
Heh, I don't know, all I really want is an option to have my b3ta talk board account revoked. Just thought I'd ask here since there doesn't seem to be any such option on the site itself.
PleaseDeleteThisAccount, Thu 8 Oct 2009, 1:12,
Fair enough. You'll have to gaz cr3 to do it I expect.
Doubt he's about at this time though.
Harold Bishop's Love Child some sort of terrifying sex magician., Thu 8 Oct 2009, 1:14,