Hebtro make trousers and shirts and boots and jumpers, and will sell them to you using this internet hyperlink. All made in the UK and ideal as gifts for blokes. JUST BUY A JUMPER OK?
I'm a nice guy,
dunno why he got so upset at me.
(Windy PigI'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Fri 23 Dec 2011, 1:15,
good to know you're not a knobhead because your lady is in the hospital and not at all to do with you not actually being a knobhead
not that i'd know eh
(Lisette von Falcon, Fri 23 Dec 2011, 1:18,
the kid is clearly a bit super-special,
(Windy PigI'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Fri 23 Dec 2011, 1:19,