Profile for It doesn't always sting when you piSSSS.:
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- a member for 21 years, 9 months and 21 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Clients Are Stupid
I'm a GP
Half of the world still believes they need antibiotics to cure trivial self limiting viral illnesses. Oh how I laugh each and every day as I spend 35 minutes explaining this to the latest punter, increasing waiting times for everyone else. Ahahahaahahahah. (Twitches Herbert Lom style)
(Mon 29th Dec 2003, 10:30, More)
I'm a GP
Half of the world still believes they need antibiotics to cure trivial self limiting viral illnesses. Oh how I laugh each and every day as I spend 35 minutes explaining this to the latest punter, increasing waiting times for everyone else. Ahahahaahahahah. (Twitches Herbert Lom style)
(Mon 29th Dec 2003, 10:30, More)
» My Wanking Disasters
The most enjoyable dangerwank
I have ever had was in the back of the car behind my A level chemistry book while my aunt drove me back to school. I was not caught and fortunately had a hanky nearby.
I'm now the conservative MP for Herefordshire.
(Wed 2nd Jun 2004, 9:59, More)
The most enjoyable dangerwank
I have ever had was in the back of the car behind my A level chemistry book while my aunt drove me back to school. I was not caught and fortunately had a hanky nearby.
I'm now the conservative MP for Herefordshire.
(Wed 2nd Jun 2004, 9:59, More)
» Lies Your Parents Told You
My mother told me I was conceived
when she was very drunk one night in Milton Keynes and had sex with a gang of meths drinking tramps!
(Thu 15th Jan 2004, 18:12, More)
My mother told me I was conceived
when she was very drunk one night in Milton Keynes and had sex with a gang of meths drinking tramps!
(Thu 15th Jan 2004, 18:12, More)
» Your Revenge Stories
I put
a flute in someone's pussy because she put a euphonium down my japs eye.
(Fri 14th May 2004, 15:27, More)
I put
a flute in someone's pussy because she put a euphonium down my japs eye.
(Fri 14th May 2004, 15:27, More)