b3ta.com user mediocre
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Profile for mediocre:
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Horrible member of the following clubs:

Recent front page messages:

Hi guys!

(Thu 9th Sep 2021, 16:04, More)

That's a

(Wed 27th Jun 2018, 8:38, More)

(Thu 22nd Feb 2018, 19:01, More)

Here is an animation I did on a picture I took

that is all - original
(Tue 30th Oct 2012, 17:57, More)

Go on, you're only half done

/edit: cheers people!
(Sun 3rd May 2009, 18:22, More)

(Thu 15th Jan 2009, 10:49, More)

After the initial success of the palm tree and the world map
the Dubai engineers got a little carried away

(Sat 12th Nov 2005, 16:26, More)

Trust me, these aren't the droids you're looking for...

(Fri 14th Oct 2005, 11:47, More)

Anything to squeeze in a "Noooooo!"

(Fri 1st Jul 2005, 12:33, More)

(Wed 20th Apr 2005, 10:03, More)

Best answers to questions:

» God

Jesus backfire
So, when my parents had to decide which infant school I was going to be in, my mother, who was raised somewhat religiously, got her way by sending me off to a catholic school.

One year later, my father, who isn't religious at all, got his way by sending me to a public primary school.

The reason? When my parents told me to finish my plate, I reportedly cried: "You're not the boss! Jesus is the boss!"
(Fri 20th Mar 2009, 13:45, More)

» Happy 10th Birthday B3ta

Welcome to The Dutch Inventor Mediocre's house of b3ta oddities
Like most people, I lurked for a good year before signing up.
I was a bit uncertain about my english at first (ever since, several people have told me I was a bit 'odd', certainly at the beginning), which made me hesitant to post anything myself.

Most of the time, b3ta is like having a laugh with a couple of good friends to me. Sometimes, real friendships develop.
What I really enjoy is the unpredictability of a bandwagon coming out of nowhere and picking up speed, leaving even its creators puzzled as to why it's so hilarious. The ones that nobody really understands are the best.
Phrases like "Neck sounds great", "Maybe your legs has just grow", "Frog fucks granny", "Low fucking poly", "Kasto Krut", "So wow that's a neato what now right", "RIS? I don't get it" I consider text bandwagons.
Also unpredictable and sometimes funny: massive flounces (TOO BROWN).

I would like to take this opportunity to list some of my favourite fucking threads (that I've bookmarked anyway):
Tin foil hats
Magnet movies
horse is a alien (Beware!)
E.T., You're So Big !
Romero the Champ
They are all a bit magical while they last. But when you look at them later on, you only have the memory of having a long and good laugh over it.

some The Dutch Inventor Mediocre at work

Also, I would like to name several b3tans not posting on /board anymore, for various reasons. I miss their shennanigans. Names that spring to mind (and I'm sure I'm forgetting some):
Jessie, That Nikon Fella, olivier8, Duke of Prunes, M3, Captain Wow, GrandmaOfShoes, Reckless_Rik, postbear, king brown cow, Redsushi (Whoop! Whoop!).
4EVa in R hertz.

Oh, and I got the 7,000,000th post too.
(Tue 13th Sep 2011, 22:02, More)

» Food sabotage

While still in school
I posted myself next to the coffee machine that also made tea, hot chocolate and soup.

During about half an hour, I told everyone who wanted something from the machine that the caretaker told me to inform them that he didn't fill it properly. He was supposedly now in the back making a sign to put up on the machine.
Thus, if you wanted a tea, you'd have to choose the soup. And if you wanted coffee, you'd have to press for hot chocolate, et cetera.

Sure enough, about three quarters of the people walked away with the wrong hot beverage.

I thought I was really cunning at the time.
(Fri 19th Sep 2008, 16:02, More)

» Random Acts of Evil

Me and a girl from our neighbourhood
used to pass times of boredom by finding sticks and pricking up half-solidified dog poos and depositing them in the mail box.
(Mon 20th Feb 2012, 13:34, More)

» Happy 10th Birthday B3ta

Well, I invented b3ta

(Tue 13th Sep 2011, 13:27, More)
[read all their answers]