b3ta.com user MrWorry
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Profile for MrWorry:
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Just a guy who loves to see random crap!

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Best answers to questions:

» Sleepwalking

Grannies are no fun.
I cannot say i've ever really been prone to sleep walking, but for two nights when I was about 13. Basically, falling asleep in a bed and waking up next to your granny in her bed in the morning is not what i'd call a great thing to wake up to.

It wasn't even once. It was two nights. Some part of my subconcious had actually decided it wasn't enough sleeping in my granny's double bed once, but I must do it twice.

It still haunts me to this day.
(Wed 22nd Aug 2007, 23:36, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Why will the secret police never be invited to the police pool tournament again?
Because it took 7 shots for them to pot a black.
(Thu 8th Dec 2005, 15:24, More)

» Old People Talk Bollocks

Sure do..
My gran calls the options hot chocolate drinks "Opium Drink", Much to our amusement...
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 18:11, More)