Profile for mongychops:
thanks to the mods for removing every item from my profile
[which was full of scat photos. What, you wanted those?. Sheesh]
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
- a member for 21 years, 0 months and 15 days
- has posted 21094 messages on the main board
- (of which 57 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 108513 messages on the talk board
- has posted 184 messages on the links board
- (including 12 links)
- has posted 3 stories and 88 replies on question of the week
- They liked 372 pictures, 10 links, 1180 talk posts, and 24 qotw answers.
- Ignore this user
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thanks to the mods for removing every item from my profile
[which was full of scat photos. What, you wanted those?. Sheesh]
Recent front page messages:
never stopping hip hopping body popping

bron and matt, i love you guys, keep it sexy for me
(Mon 8th Oct 2007, 11:25, More)

bron and matt, i love you guys, keep it sexy for me
(Mon 8th Oct 2007, 11:25, More)
erics first day on the job wasn't a good one

driving lessons bexley
my brother really needs the spam to get up google, love mongchops
(Sun 27th May 2007, 19:34, More)

driving lessons bexley
my brother really needs the spam to get up google, love mongchops
(Sun 27th May 2007, 19:34, More)

learn to drive an automatic bexley
this spam is for my brother, he has helped me alot in tough times and he needs to get up the ranks of google, sorry if it offends, love mongychops
(Mon 14th May 2007, 19:44, More)

learn to drive an automatic bexley
this spam is for my brother, he has helped me alot in tough times and he needs to get up the ranks of google, sorry if it offends, love mongychops
(Mon 14th May 2007, 19:44, More)
round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel, never ending or begining, on an ever spinning reel, like the circles that you find, in the windmills of your mind

(Sun 22nd Apr 2007, 8:57, More)

(Sun 22nd Apr 2007, 8:57, More)
it's not easy decorating when your whole world is.........
next week mick and keith paint mrs.jones's red door
(Tue 14th Jun 2005, 15:09, More)

next week mick and keith paint mrs.jones's red door
(Tue 14th Jun 2005, 15:09, More)
i still think it was a bit harsh to sack me on my first day
(Mon 13th Jun 2005, 11:58, More)
(Mon 13th Jun 2005, 11:58, More)
Rex was enjoying his holiday, till he saw the sign on the beach
(Wed 30th Mar 2005, 17:08, More)
(Wed 30th Mar 2005, 17:08, More)
if only they had chosen the round window, they could have hushed it up about big ted
(Thu 24th Mar 2005, 16:39, More)
(Thu 24th Mar 2005, 16:39, More)
Maybe they were right, perhaps a water slide was a bad idea
(Tue 15th Mar 2005, 14:55, More)
(Tue 15th Mar 2005, 14:55, More)
Poor little fella, his mum has done the same packed lunch for ages
(Mon 14th Mar 2005, 11:10, More)
(Mon 14th Mar 2005, 11:10, More)
it's bloody gloss white aswell
very quick and shit but my eyes are hurting
(Wed 9th Mar 2005, 16:06, More)

very quick and shit but my eyes are hurting
(Wed 9th Mar 2005, 16:06, More)
now then, now then

must be time for bed now, night
(Sat 5th Feb 2005, 23:51, More)

must be time for bed now, night
(Sat 5th Feb 2005, 23:51, More)
He went out drinking with the lads

edit: thanks for the fp, it does seem popular :)
(Sun 17th Oct 2004, 23:11, More)

edit: thanks for the fp, it does seem popular :)
(Sun 17th Oct 2004, 23:11, More)
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others

edit/ oh thanks for the fp, x x x
(Mon 26th Jul 2004, 22:31, More)

edit/ oh thanks for the fp, x x x
(Mon 26th Jul 2004, 22:31, More)
Best answers to questions: