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» Body Mods
Worrying comment
Had a nipple piercing many years ago before it became so (relatively) common - great fun, feels like somebody is permanently playing with your nipps.
My father's comment upon finding out was "I wish you were gay, at least I could understand that". He is (so far as I'm aware) straight and has been happily married for coming on for 40 years.
Have now spend 15 years wondering what exactly he meant by that.....
(Fri 1st Dec 2006, 16:58, More)
Worrying comment
Had a nipple piercing many years ago before it became so (relatively) common - great fun, feels like somebody is permanently playing with your nipps.
My father's comment upon finding out was "I wish you were gay, at least I could understand that". He is (so far as I'm aware) straight and has been happily married for coming on for 40 years.
Have now spend 15 years wondering what exactly he meant by that.....
(Fri 1st Dec 2006, 16:58, More)
» Restaurants, Kitchens and Bars... Oh my!
Signature Dish
Whilst I, like many others no doubt, worked for that famous american company I will leave them to regale you will the tales of maggots crawling out the drain, how "it's OK we have a filter between the syrup tank and the dispenser that would have prevented anything getting into the soda" or what you did to the burger of some poor punter who dared ask for a "special order".
Instead I would like to propose a game.
Next time you are in that exotic holiday location where they serve the local delicacy along with a random piece of green for presentation...... sign that lettuce leaf and see how many times it comes back, or for the more adventurous put a telephone number and see who you meet.
(Sat 22nd Jul 2006, 6:22, More)
Signature Dish
Whilst I, like many others no doubt, worked for that famous american company I will leave them to regale you will the tales of maggots crawling out the drain, how "it's OK we have a filter between the syrup tank and the dispenser that would have prevented anything getting into the soda" or what you did to the burger of some poor punter who dared ask for a "special order".
Instead I would like to propose a game.
Next time you are in that exotic holiday location where they serve the local delicacy along with a random piece of green for presentation...... sign that lettuce leaf and see how many times it comes back, or for the more adventurous put a telephone number and see who you meet.
(Sat 22nd Jul 2006, 6:22, More)
» Toilets
Bogs with a view
Have to point out the irony of a bar in Kowloon, Hong Kong - it's up on the top floor of a hotel overlooking Hong Kong harbour (beautiful view). Meanwhile when all the well paid bankers etc. need to relieve themselves they retreat to the back of the building where the view is of the poorer Kowloon area - the urinal is all glass so you get to piss on all the poor people of Kowloon. The stalls are so finally carved marble they have a flunky to show you where the doors are. Of course you get distracted when the american tourists wander round with their video cameras filming it seems litteraly everything.
The alternative for high level relief is SAS Business Class - an aircraft loo with a view of the clouds going past.....
Lets face it with a tag like mine I had to post on this topic!
(Sun 4th Sep 2005, 2:10, More)
Bogs with a view
Have to point out the irony of a bar in Kowloon, Hong Kong - it's up on the top floor of a hotel overlooking Hong Kong harbour (beautiful view). Meanwhile when all the well paid bankers etc. need to relieve themselves they retreat to the back of the building where the view is of the poorer Kowloon area - the urinal is all glass so you get to piss on all the poor people of Kowloon. The stalls are so finally carved marble they have a flunky to show you where the doors are. Of course you get distracted when the american tourists wander round with their video cameras filming it seems litteraly everything.
The alternative for high level relief is SAS Business Class - an aircraft loo with a view of the clouds going past.....
Lets face it with a tag like mine I had to post on this topic!
(Sun 4th Sep 2005, 2:10, More)