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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Fancy Dress
party of
my (now ex.. bitch!) girlfriends' mate. Fancy dress. Fucking easy, I thought. Throw on me hakama (*sigh* - those flappy skirt trousers that samurai wear. you wear them for kendo), push me sword through me belt and go as a samurai. Don't even need to buy a costume! All the girls going as the highly original and never-before-been-done-to-death "goth fairy"? Magic! They'll be hot, and my costume will look miles better by comparison! :D Yeah? Yeah?
Walk through the door to face a dozen trendies all sat, plainly clothed, drinks in hands, looking totally nonplussed.
Hostess: "Oh, did we forget to tell you it wasn't fancy dress any more?" Retard.
Girlfriend promptly slips off her £1 from the pound shop fairy wings and blends right in.
One of the trendies pipes up: "Look! He's come as a chinaman!"
The night went downhill from there...
(Sat 14th Jan 2006, 4:10, More)
party of
my (now ex.. bitch!) girlfriends' mate. Fancy dress. Fucking easy, I thought. Throw on me hakama (*sigh* - those flappy skirt trousers that samurai wear. you wear them for kendo), push me sword through me belt and go as a samurai. Don't even need to buy a costume! All the girls going as the highly original and never-before-been-done-to-death "goth fairy"? Magic! They'll be hot, and my costume will look miles better by comparison! :D Yeah? Yeah?
Walk through the door to face a dozen trendies all sat, plainly clothed, drinks in hands, looking totally nonplussed.
Hostess: "Oh, did we forget to tell you it wasn't fancy dress any more?" Retard.
Girlfriend promptly slips off her £1 from the pound shop fairy wings and blends right in.
One of the trendies pipes up: "Look! He's come as a chinaman!"
The night went downhill from there...
(Sat 14th Jan 2006, 4:10, More)
» That's when I knew it was over...
My mate Spyke
knew it was over on New Years' eve when the fat chav munter he'd been trying to get rid of for a year asked him "will you kiss me at midnight?" and his reply of "no, I'll be thinking of somebody else" was met with a thunderous uppercut that lifted him off his feet and deposited him on his back in the pub with a big-arse scar just like Squall from Final Fantasy where her diamond sov (classy!) had dug into his face.
Still, he was finally shot of the fat tart and promptly danced home singing zippety-do-da despite it being a blizzard outside and him gushing blood from his face. He gave the Big Issue bloke all the money in his pocket he was so happy.
(Sun 24th Jul 2005, 22:36, More)
My mate Spyke
knew it was over on New Years' eve when the fat chav munter he'd been trying to get rid of for a year asked him "will you kiss me at midnight?" and his reply of "no, I'll be thinking of somebody else" was met with a thunderous uppercut that lifted him off his feet and deposited him on his back in the pub with a big-arse scar just like Squall from Final Fantasy where her diamond sov (classy!) had dug into his face.
Still, he was finally shot of the fat tart and promptly danced home singing zippety-do-da despite it being a blizzard outside and him gushing blood from his face. He gave the Big Issue bloke all the money in his pocket he was so happy.
(Sun 24th Jul 2005, 22:36, More)
» That's when I knew it was over...
I knew it was over with Rosi when she walked up and said "So who's Alex then?"
I knew it was over with Alex when she walked up and said "So who's Rosi then?"
(Sun 24th Jul 2005, 0:36, More)
I knew it was over with Rosi when she walked up and said "So who's Alex then?"
I knew it was over with Alex when she walked up and said "So who's Rosi then?"
(Sun 24th Jul 2005, 0:36, More)
» Weddings
My mate Dave
recently got married (on 3/4/05 so he wouldn't forget it), and it was really nice, with a lovely time had by all.
The meal was delicious (I had a 5th helping, which impressed everyone), the bridesmaids were gorgeous (especially the one who looked exactly like a 16 year old version of the bride), and the extatic couple loved their gifts (which included a hand-bound scrap book made by all their close friends).
You people must be going to the wrong type of weddings if all this suxx0r stuff keeps happening :P
(Tue 19th Jul 2005, 18:50, More)
My mate Dave
recently got married (on 3/4/05 so he wouldn't forget it), and it was really nice, with a lovely time had by all.
The meal was delicious (I had a 5th helping, which impressed everyone), the bridesmaids were gorgeous (especially the one who looked exactly like a 16 year old version of the bride), and the extatic couple loved their gifts (which included a hand-bound scrap book made by all their close friends).
You people must be going to the wrong type of weddings if all this suxx0r stuff keeps happening :P
(Tue 19th Jul 2005, 18:50, More)
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