b3ta.com user ell_cid
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» B3TA fixes the world

When i`m god-emperor, thier will be changes...
Cyclists on the road, at the side of a cycle path..... execute- slowly, messily, and publicly.
Cyclists (again) riding thru red lights, not signalling a change of direction, riding two abrest..... execute, as above.
School girl single mums, getting housing, benefits, etc.
if your old enuf to have sex, accept the consequences. thiers plenty of couples who want kids, but for a variety of reasons, cant.hand over the sprog, nueter both underage parents, and use their national insurance to pay towards the kids new life, paid out before any benefits or tax.( in the unlikely event they get a job)
Ammend the damn human rights act, til it works!
Bennefit scroungers/ defrauders. Not sure how`ooh me bad back, i cant work` entitles you to fiddle thousands over many years. has anyone tried making a claim for benefits, recently??? basterds at the benefits office delay for weeks, for no apparant reason, all for a measly ammount of pennies,and the job centres are soul destroying pits of dispair.
Am off, now. jaws aching from grinding my teeth.
(Sun 25th Sep 2011, 16:06, More)