b3ta.com user animalsinclothes
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Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

A man walks into a bar
he has got an alcohol problem thats destroying his family.
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 11:58, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Knock Knock
Who's there?
The Police. Your Husband has been killed.
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 10:30, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Doctor Doctor, ive broken my leg!

Yes its a very bad break you will never walk again.
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 12:01, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

what do you get if you cross billie piper with a turkey
something horribly unexpected
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 9:23, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

how many paki's can you fit in to a ford fiesta
4 and a small child
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 10:12, More)
[read all their answers]