Profile for hargreaves:
I'm back baby!!!
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I'm back baby!!!
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Not Losing Your Virginity
Too late to explain now
I was drunk and so, so desperate to lose it. She was quite large, and absolutely gagging for it ( also v.drunk). Cutting it short, we were just starting proceedings when she announced "I'm used to someone a bit bigger!" - FLUMP!
Turns out she meant her last bloke was about 18 stone, but it was too late for me.
(Tue 31st Oct 2006, 21:46, More)
Too late to explain now
I was drunk and so, so desperate to lose it. She was quite large, and absolutely gagging for it ( also v.drunk). Cutting it short, we were just starting proceedings when she announced "I'm used to someone a bit bigger!" - FLUMP!
Turns out she meant her last bloke was about 18 stone, but it was too late for me.
(Tue 31st Oct 2006, 21:46, More)