Profile for Bela Lugosi's Dad:
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- a member for 16 years, 9 months and 21 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Corporate Idiocy
Worked nights at Royal Mail over the Christmas period.
Did so the year before, employed/paid by RM, and it was fine.
This year the recruitment and payroll process was
done through Angard, an agency set up by RM and
staffed by people from Reed. Pay rate was £1.13/hr less.
None of us were paid on time, it was over three weeks
before some of us got any money at all. This was
happening all over the country, forcing them to send
Royal Mail execs to appease us (no-one from Angard, who
were completely unaccountable from the get-go). RM
eventually had to dish out cashable vouchers to those
who'd received nothing by week 3.
One girl I worked with had no money to cover bills, food, her
dad's 50th or Christmas, and had to wait until the contract
ended (24th) before she could start to sort things out. She
was reduced to tears at points - by the last week, of twenty
or so of us recruited for that shift, only four or five were left.
Everyone else had walked.
Another colleague got this payslip after three weeks. The
account details weren't even his. Tomorrow, it's the NHS.

(Thu 23rd Feb 2012, 13:12, More)
Worked nights at Royal Mail over the Christmas period.
Did so the year before, employed/paid by RM, and it was fine.
This year the recruitment and payroll process was
done through Angard, an agency set up by RM and
staffed by people from Reed. Pay rate was £1.13/hr less.
None of us were paid on time, it was over three weeks
before some of us got any money at all. This was
happening all over the country, forcing them to send
Royal Mail execs to appease us (no-one from Angard, who
were completely unaccountable from the get-go). RM
eventually had to dish out cashable vouchers to those
who'd received nothing by week 3.
One girl I worked with had no money to cover bills, food, her
dad's 50th or Christmas, and had to wait until the contract
ended (24th) before she could start to sort things out. She
was reduced to tears at points - by the last week, of twenty
or so of us recruited for that shift, only four or five were left.
Everyone else had walked.
Another colleague got this payslip after three weeks. The
account details weren't even his. Tomorrow, it's the NHS.

(Thu 23rd Feb 2012, 13:12, More)
» Shops and Supermarkets
Share and enjoy
At my local Sainsbury's is a young lad who is just a
little bit too enthusiastic to serve, bless him. On
one occasion he rang through my purchases, took my
money and, handing me my change said -
"Thank you sir. Enjoy your, er... toilet roll."
(For the record, I did, very much)
(Sat 12th May 2012, 8:19, More)
Share and enjoy
At my local Sainsbury's is a young lad who is just a
little bit too enthusiastic to serve, bless him. On
one occasion he rang through my purchases, took my
money and, handing me my change said -
"Thank you sir. Enjoy your, er... toilet roll."
(For the record, I did, very much)
(Sat 12th May 2012, 8:19, More)
» What nonsense did you believe in as a kid?
I thought the stables down the road were owned by a guy called Jim Carner.
And until I was about 6, electric guitars made no sound -
having watched them being "played" on TOTP circa 1980.
(Wed 18th Jan 2012, 16:05, More)
I thought the stables down the road were owned by a guy called Jim Carner.
And until I was about 6, electric guitars made no sound -
having watched them being "played" on TOTP circa 1980.
(Wed 18th Jan 2012, 16:05, More)
» Getting Old
The station where the 90s survive
Was just in Currys.
A radio was tuned to a station dedicated to the 90s.
The decade that gave us Reservoir Dogs.
"K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 90s just keeps on truckin'.
Here's the Soup Dragons."
(Fri 8th Jun 2012, 16:45, More)
The station where the 90s survive
Was just in Currys.
A radio was tuned to a station dedicated to the 90s.
The decade that gave us Reservoir Dogs.
"K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 90s just keeps on truckin'.
Here's the Soup Dragons."
(Fri 8th Jun 2012, 16:45, More)