Profile for SparkyLove:
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- a member for 23 years, 1 month and 30 days
- has posted 239 messages on the main board
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Recent front page messages:
Hey pep
Yeh, I work in a hospital - But it's not like I do any operations.
Damn the government, I mean, would you call this an accident???

(Sat 9th Feb 2002, 21:08, More)
Yeh, I work in a hospital - But it's not like I do any operations.
Damn the government, I mean, would you call this an accident???

(Sat 9th Feb 2002, 21:08, More)
Oh dear god...

'A model presents a white dress during French legendary fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent's farewell show'
(Mon 4th Feb 2002, 17:15, More)

'A model presents a white dress during French legendary fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent's farewell show'
(Mon 4th Feb 2002, 17:15, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Lies Your Parents Told You
I was ...
watching a film once, when I was a young lad and someone in it mentioned a brothel. I asked my Dad what a brothel was and he told me it was a place where they make soup.
Also, when I was really young I used to suck my thumb a lot. When I met one of my distant Uncles for the first time I noticed he only had one thumb. My Mum told me that he used to suck his thumb when he was wee, too, and it had worn down gradually. I finally found out years later he had lost it in an industrial accident.
(Wed 14th Jan 2004, 20:28, More)
I was ...
watching a film once, when I was a young lad and someone in it mentioned a brothel. I asked my Dad what a brothel was and he told me it was a place where they make soup.
Also, when I was really young I used to suck my thumb a lot. When I met one of my distant Uncles for the first time I noticed he only had one thumb. My Mum told me that he used to suck his thumb when he was wee, too, and it had worn down gradually. I finally found out years later he had lost it in an industrial accident.
(Wed 14th Jan 2004, 20:28, More)
» Embarrassing Injuries
Broken Arm Idiocy
One time in PE, we were outside playing football. I hate football so I was put in goals. Our team were much better than the other team, so consequently I didn't have much to do. I was mucking about while the ball was up the other end and jumped up to swing from the cross bar. 'Cos it was raining my hands slipped and I fell to the ground in slow motion, managing to break my fall with my right hand. There was a sickening crack, but I had to get up quick as the ball was coming down our end. I played another 40 minutes in goal, without really thinking about it. When we where finished I was trying to undo my shoe laces and realised my right arm was fucked. I casually got changed, without showing any pain, and went home. I totally lost it when I got home - I was crying and everything. When my mum came home she took me to that hospital, where I found out I'd broken my wrist. To this day, I have never told anyone I was swinging on the goal posts - I told everyone I fell. How embarrassing - slipping from a fuckin' crossbar.
(Sat 4th Sep 2004, 10:15, More)
Broken Arm Idiocy
One time in PE, we were outside playing football. I hate football so I was put in goals. Our team were much better than the other team, so consequently I didn't have much to do. I was mucking about while the ball was up the other end and jumped up to swing from the cross bar. 'Cos it was raining my hands slipped and I fell to the ground in slow motion, managing to break my fall with my right hand. There was a sickening crack, but I had to get up quick as the ball was coming down our end. I played another 40 minutes in goal, without really thinking about it. When we where finished I was trying to undo my shoe laces and realised my right arm was fucked. I casually got changed, without showing any pain, and went home. I totally lost it when I got home - I was crying and everything. When my mum came home she took me to that hospital, where I found out I'd broken my wrist. To this day, I have never told anyone I was swinging on the goal posts - I told everyone I fell. How embarrassing - slipping from a fuckin' crossbar.
(Sat 4th Sep 2004, 10:15, More)
» World's Sickest Joke
What's red and silver and bounces off walls?
A baby with forks in it's eyes.
(Mon 13th Sep 2004, 11:45, More)
What's red and silver and bounces off walls?
A baby with forks in it's eyes.
(Mon 13th Sep 2004, 11:45, More)