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Recent front page messages:
After 13 long years... One final evening of cheers, laughter and tears.

(Tue 2nd Jul 2024, 11:06, More)

(Tue 2nd Jul 2024, 11:06, More)
This is a Tory Party for Tory people, there’s nothing for you here.

(Fri 22nd Jul 2022, 11:14, More)

(Fri 22nd Jul 2022, 11:14, More)
"And Mr Johnson, you're absolutely sure this has got nothing to do with you?"

(Thu 23rd Sep 2021, 9:19, More)

(Thu 23rd Sep 2021, 9:19, More)
What's this, then? 'Tories Eunt Domus'? 'People called Tories they go the house'?

(Sun 1st Aug 2021, 15:49, More)

(Sun 1st Aug 2021, 15:49, More)
International trade negotiations, it's a funny old game.
it's a funny old game.
(Mon 26th Jul 2021, 15:30, More)
it's a funny old game.

(Mon 26th Jul 2021, 15:30, More)
Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.
have a nice cold pint and wait for this all to blow over.
(Tue 6th Jul 2021, 17:17, More)
have a nice cold pint and wait for this all to blow over.

(Tue 6th Jul 2021, 17:17, More)
We choose to graffiti the moon not because it is easy, but...
(Wed 19th May 2021, 17:07, More)

(Wed 19th May 2021, 17:07, More)
I hardly think a few tweets are going to bring about the end of the world.

(Thu 29th Apr 2021, 10:15, More)

(Thu 29th Apr 2021, 10:15, More)
C'mon down to Jesus Wheels... he'll save you... $$$ off a new chariot.

(Tue 5th Jan 2021, 9:08, More)

(Tue 5th Jan 2021, 9:08, More)
What's the matter with you, can't you drive? eh? Oh my god, look what you've done!

(Sat 26th Sep 2020, 8:41, More)

(Sat 26th Sep 2020, 8:41, More)
See the Little Goblin, see his little feet. And his little nosey-wose, isn't the Goblin sweet?

(Thu 18th Jul 2019, 14:43, More)

(Thu 18th Jul 2019, 14:43, More)
Meanwhile, somewhere up north of Westminster, a muttering lad begins his day..
somewhere up north of Westminster a muttering lad begins his day..
(Thu 18th Jul 2019, 12:45, More)
somewhere up north of Westminster a muttering lad begins his day..

(Thu 18th Jul 2019, 12:45, More)
“The guy is an epic f*ck-up. He’s so dense that light bends around him.”

(Tue 9th Jul 2019, 14:34, More)

(Tue 9th Jul 2019, 14:34, More)
duummm dummm... duuuummm duum... duuummmmm dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dummmmmmmm dummmm

(Thu 20th Jun 2019, 18:25, More)

(Thu 20th Jun 2019, 18:25, More)
“Brexit, trust me, it will be jolly. Read the smallprint later.”
trust me it will be jolly. Read the smallprint later.”
(Fri 17th May 2019, 11:22, More)
trust me it will be jolly. Read the smallprint later.”

(Fri 17th May 2019, 11:22, More)
Star Wars, if it were written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
if it were written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
(Wed 15th May 2019, 15:44, More)
if it were written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
(Wed 15th May 2019, 15:44, More)
Inside No. 10

"This is a local country for local people, there’s nothing for you here"
(Sun 12th May 2019, 12:56, More)

"This is a local country for local people, there’s nothing for you here"
(Sun 12th May 2019, 12:56, More)
IMAGE LEAKED of the Banquet Menu for Donald Trump's State Visit to Buckingham Palace 3 June.

(Fri 26th Apr 2019, 22:47, More)

(Fri 26th Apr 2019, 22:47, More)
Professor Mogg finally admits, to a gasping parliament, his dream contraption has significant shortcomings.

(Wed 27th Mar 2019, 17:05, More)

(Wed 27th Mar 2019, 17:05, More)
I watched Pea-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
and Brexit still wobbles on.
(Fri 22nd Mar 2019, 16:10, More)

and Brexit still wobbles on.
(Fri 22nd Mar 2019, 16:10, More)
BREXIT Day 9 and police struggle to protect the last full shopping trolley in Great Britain.

(Tue 29th Jan 2019, 13:24, More)

(Tue 29th Jan 2019, 13:24, More)
Okay. 5000. 100 feet per second is good. Going to check my attitude control. Attitude control is good...

(Tue 15th Jan 2019, 16:47, More)

(Tue 15th Jan 2019, 16:47, More)
Trump says his 'gut' can tell him more than 'anybody else's brain can ever tell me'.
(Wed 28th Nov 2018, 20:50, More)
(Wed 28th Nov 2018, 20:50, More)
Mr. President, has it been a good visit?

Very satisfactory indeed. We got what we came for, and our special relationship is still very special.
(Thu 2nd Aug 2018, 13:17, More)

Very satisfactory indeed. We got what we came for, and our special relationship is still very special.
(Thu 2nd Aug 2018, 13:17, More)
Women! They let 'em vote, smoke and drive - even put 'em in pants! And what happens? A Democrat for president!

(Thu 2nd Aug 2018, 11:27, More)

(Thu 2nd Aug 2018, 11:27, More)
A long time ago 1969, in a Camden Town far, far away...
in a Camden Town far far away...
(Sat 28th Jul 2018, 9:09, More)
in a Camden Town far far away...

(Sat 28th Jul 2018, 9:09, More)
Get your Thump Trump bag here!

Extended version on Youtube
*based on an idea by Paint!
(Sat 14th Jul 2018, 12:19, More)

Extended version on Youtube
*based on an idea by Paint!
(Sat 14th Jul 2018, 12:19, More)
Don't see what all the fuss is about, it never did Donald any harm...

(Tue 19th Jun 2018, 20:46, More)

(Tue 19th Jun 2018, 20:46, More)
What do you mean "who's flying the plane"? Nobody's flying the plane!

(Tue 5th Jun 2018, 11:39, More)

(Tue 5th Jun 2018, 11:39, More)
If I say it's safe to graze this field, it's safe to graze this field.

(Sat 2nd Jun 2018, 16:24, More)

(Sat 2nd Jun 2018, 16:24, More)
I'm not very big and I'm awful shy... And the lassies shout when I go by...

(Thu 10th May 2018, 11:58, More)

(Thu 10th May 2018, 11:58, More)
Immigrant season... NHS season... privatisation season... affordable housing season... disability season... brexit season...

(Thu 26th Apr 2018, 12:48, More)

(Thu 26th Apr 2018, 12:48, More)
"Well, if there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the beach that it's farthest from."

(Thu 30th Nov 2017, 10:28, More)

(Thu 30th Nov 2017, 10:28, More)
Elite - Trump edition

Your soul per month subscription - offshore loot crates - p2w - single player only
(Thu 23rd Nov 2017, 19:22, More)

Your soul per month subscription - offshore loot crates - p2w - single player only
(Thu 23rd Nov 2017, 19:22, More)
Go on... go on... go on... go on... ya will... ya will... ya will...

(Mon 9th Oct 2017, 13:16, More)

(Mon 9th Oct 2017, 13:16, More)
Greetings, Professor Falken, shall we play a game?
Professor Falken shall we play a game?
(Fri 28th Jul 2017, 20:23, More)
Professor Falken shall we play a game?

(Fri 28th Jul 2017, 20:23, More)
Best answers to questions: