Profile for 2kindsofherring:
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- a member for 5 years, 8 months and 4 days
- has posted 556 messages on the main board
- (of which 27 have appeared on the front page)
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- has posted 122 messages on the links board
- (including 24 links)
- has posted 3 stories and 3 replies on question of the week
- They liked 869 pictures, 323 links, 3 talk posts, and 6 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
The swill of the people
Obviously more than four editions but shop skills on the limit.

(Thu 3rd Oct 2019, 16:35, More)
Obviously more than four editions but shop skills on the limit.

(Thu 3rd Oct 2019, 16:35, More)
Best answers to questions:
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
I've written a three act ensemble piece about Roget's Thesaurus
It's a play on words.
(Sat 15th Aug 2020, 20:28, More)
I've written a three act ensemble piece about Roget's Thesaurus
It's a play on words.
(Sat 15th Aug 2020, 20:28, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Why does the Starship Enterprise smell?
Because William Shatner.
(Fri 15th Oct 2021, 8:57, More)
Why does the Starship Enterprise smell?
Because William Shatner.
(Fri 15th Oct 2021, 8:57, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Elon Musk has bought a company that specialises in the phase transition of fruit.
It's all about freeze peach.
(Wed 4th May 2022, 12:12, More)
Elon Musk has bought a company that specialises in the phase transition of fruit.
It's all about freeze peach.
(Wed 4th May 2022, 12:12, More)