I have a hang over, but here are: FAF Rachel Stevens, Side Boob Ginger Bird Cynthia Nixon, Treckie Arthur Batanides and cdc Aubrey Woods.

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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 8:58,

sorry for the threadjack but with the B3ta Auction
has it occured to anyone that bidders sending 'blind bids' in for the auction is not the best way to do this? I'd assumed the online auction would be open? it looks like people are gazzing bids and its being kept secret?
if the purpose of the auction is to make money for the charity then the only way to do it is in open bids, bidders have to know the amount they need to beat to get the item so the price can keep going up and the charity ends up selling the items at the highest amount possible.
currently the bidders have no idea the highest amount they need to bid to keep the price rising . Each item will just go for whatever amount is highest no matter how bloody low. It's how they sold ex council houses off in some estate agents a few years ago as a fairness policy to create a chance for buyers to get a bargain.
Auctions and ebay use the bidder knowing the amount they have to beat. This is because it's the technique which makes as much money as possible for the seller.
Bidders who want an item compete and push the price higher...but they can only do this if they know the amount they have to beat.
It's not rocket science
I suggest someone puts up a link in off topic and people put their bids as replies before its too late and the opportunity is lost
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 9:19,
has it occured to anyone that bidders sending 'blind bids' in for the auction is not the best way to do this? I'd assumed the online auction would be open? it looks like people are gazzing bids and its being kept secret?
if the purpose of the auction is to make money for the charity then the only way to do it is in open bids, bidders have to know the amount they need to beat to get the item so the price can keep going up and the charity ends up selling the items at the highest amount possible.
currently the bidders have no idea the highest amount they need to bid to keep the price rising . Each item will just go for whatever amount is highest no matter how bloody low. It's how they sold ex council houses off in some estate agents a few years ago as a fairness policy to create a chance for buyers to get a bargain.
Auctions and ebay use the bidder knowing the amount they have to beat. This is because it's the technique which makes as much money as possible for the seller.
Bidders who want an item compete and push the price higher...but they can only do this if they know the amount they have to beat.
It's not rocket science
I suggest someone puts up a link in off topic and people put their bids as replies before its too late and the opportunity is lost

They're the b3tans most likely to be able to help you in this.
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 9:40,

If a person can only afford to bid for one item and that bid ends up not being a winning bid, haven't they then lost the chance to bid on something else they might like? (I am shit at maths and often fail in the logic stakes so please ignore if I've done a mental)
also Ning Wobbly, Phwoar Rachel Stevens - She could make my dream come true :D
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 10:05,
also Ning Wobbly, Phwoar Rachel Stevens - She could make my dream come true :D

How about an e-bay style system whereby if your bid is too low (or outbid) Toasty gaz's you back to say what the current top bid is?
Lots of work for him obvs. but in a good cause ;-)
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 10:27,
Lots of work for him obvs. but in a good cause ;-)

if bidders want their bid anonymous put up a thread and next to each pic of the item is the current highest bid. thread would only need to be updated and edited every 24 hours or even week. no big commitment
there are loads of ways of doing it. the current way just seems to be the worst of all possible ways for the charity to make money (although the best one if you'r a bidder trying to get a bargain)
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 11:14,
there are loads of ways of doing it. the current way just seems to be the worst of all possible ways for the charity to make money (although the best one if you'r a bidder trying to get a bargain)

I'll post up an announcement of its existance in a bit
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 11:43,
I'll post up an announcement of its existance in a bit

initial feedback was that a) people didn't want their bids public and b) people didn't want Ebay taking a cut/putting 73 thing on Ebay at once isn't free
The semi blind bid system was deemed the preferable of the flawed options and I think it was what we did last year (although my memory is awful).
But if someone wants to offer more suggestions 3 months in to the exercise by all means go for it.
*edit - hold on, I've had an idea
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 11:03,
The semi blind bid system was deemed the preferable of the flawed options and I think it was what we did last year (although my memory is awful).
But if someone wants to offer more suggestions 3 months in to the exercise by all means go for it.
*edit - hold on, I've had an idea

"Look what I won" Kristen Stewart and No wonder he's smug Hugh M. Hefner.

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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 9:21,

and that bird in the black dress is eyeing up his croissant!
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 9:25,

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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 9:47,