I've been on this board for longer than 98% of you fuckers
and I'm gutted. what happened? This board used to be irreverent, sardonic, witty, and astute. How come nowadays it just seems to be populated by people who like the fact that it's socially acceptable to say cunt. And post any old bunch of crap picture as an excuse to say cunt and fuck a lot. Damnit, you're all so lost up your own meme's that you can't even see that the magic's gone. load of bollocks.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:27,
have you considered
that if you've been here a while then you have probably grown up and no longer find the board as funny as YOU have changed?
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:45,
you'll give the man a haemorage (that's how I spell it...)
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:49,
i have a greater number of days on the board.
its on my CV you know.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:33,
its on my CV you know.
I haven't posted here much more than you
and I haven't posted here much in the last 6 months at all.
It's not the same b3ta.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:32,
It's not the same b3ta.
Complaining about how it's changed and starting a thread just to say it's "a load of bollocks"
isn't helping anyone except your attention-seeking inner child though, is it?
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:34,
saw the pirate pic in your profile
and I'd like to say, 'tis tres woo
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:32,
i saw it mentioned down the board
and I checked it out. So it's not quite as odd as all that :)
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:35,
I picked the wrong thread to have a go at them there! :O) I've noticed them being annoyingly unfriendly quite a few times recently though.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:43,
i get fed up
with people who are always ranting about "how the board should be". No offence, but it doesn't matter how long you have been posting - you are never going to become lord of the board because it belongs to everyone that visits it. The B3ta board is inclusive by nature, and will remain so. you just have to learn to accept all types of b3tans.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:32,
Don't do it Gort no!!!
I wish I were a jiant man in an inflated rubber suit
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Sun 11 Apr 2004, 1:02,
He's not trying to be the lord of the board
he's just saying b3ta isnt what it used to be, and he'd be right.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:34,
"Lord of the Board" does have a nice ring to it though...
**tries to think of something equally grand to rhyme with forum**
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:36,
fair point,
but it seems every time I pay a visit, learning to accept all types of b3tans means learning to be like someone else. Nowadays I'm embarrassed to talk about being on here, cos it's like 14 yr olds all shouting cunt for the first time where their mum's can't hear them.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:34,
b3ta has, for the years I've lurked and however long I've been a member, been foul-mouthed and irreverent. The humour, while often clever, is also often immature. A great many of the members are teenagers, and always have been. The only difference - apart from a minor recent spate of leetspeaking newbies - is that you no longer recognise many of the usernames.
You know what?
Tough titties.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:40,
You know what?
Tough titties.
being foul-mouthed isn't by nature irreverent
but irreverence can be foul-mouthed. There's a difference.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:42,
Of course there's a difference, or I wouldn't have bothered using both adjectives.
Riddle me this, Batman: where is the sense in starting a thread just to insult everybody present, and in the same breath talk about how rude everybody's becoming?
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:44,
I didn't start it just to insult everyone present
I started it because I felt like after such warm, fluffy memories of b3ta, the apparent lack of any new ones was something to be concerned about. If you thought I was just insulting everyone, then you're wrong. I was criticising the kids who spoilt it for me though. Hey, if this kindergarten thing works for you then great. I just think it's a shame my experience of b3ta had to descend so disgracefully into a parody of itself.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:58,
You essentially just walked into a room and said "I'm better than you".
Don't try to tell me you weren't conscious of the fact that everyone here would either jump on your pissy little soapbox or be offended.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:02,
Ok, I get it, kids aren't allowed to be kids anymore
Because they obviously know better.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:04,
Because they obviously know better.
you have alot of fair points
and i agree with wat u say
when it started on the green board days it was quiet and humble
then the new board came in and it was great
about 6months ago being "random" and things like that became "cool" everyone was running round say "pie" and being a prark.
its getting bring now and its spoiling wat b3ta was designed for
people who love the web
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:45,
when it started on the green board days it was quiet and humble
then the new board came in and it was great
about 6months ago being "random" and things like that became "cool" everyone was running round say "pie" and being a prark.
its getting bring now and its spoiling wat b3ta was designed for
people who love the web
it's kinda like, when you've been going to the same club for years
and all your mates are there, and it's always a great laugh... then a few reviews appear in the press and all manner of people come along and take over with an attitude based on what they think it's supposed to be like. Now, I'm under no illusions that I helped b3ta become what it is today or anything, I was always a punter, but why keep punting if it's someone else's party.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:52,
He says,
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:54,
Hold on, I'm sorry, but just because your world
appears to be ruled by your "attention seeking inner child," that's no reason to think everyone else's is. sure, I'm pissed off, but ultimately I'm opening discussion, I'm just doing it with a strong opinion. Now if you think I'm only saying all these things because I want you all to pay attention to me then you're sadly missing the point. In fact, if that is really what you think, then do you really believe I would have constructed this multi-faceted argument just to get your replies?
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:02,
"Why am I still here? This is shit" is not a multi-faceted argument.
Why are you quoting me in your response? That doesn't even make sense. And insulting other people from the outset is not a good way to open a rational discussion. It's what we refer to as "trolling".
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:08,
well no, it is reasonably multi-faceted
because I didn't just say "Why am I still here, this is shit," I explained in detail, and continue to explain what I think's gone wrong. If you felt I was just trying to insult people, then you haven't been here long enough to patronise me with statements like "that's what we refer to as 'trolling'"
I was quoting you because you seem to be under the impression that I'm just attention seeking. so much so that it appears to pervade much of your argument against me. The phrase "The lady doth protest too much" springs immediately to mind. And this isn't just rhetoric, this assertion is based on my meagre years of meeting people who when fucked up about certain issues seem to feel the need to accuse everyone else of their problem. Pretty basic psychology.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:20,
I was quoting you because you seem to be under the impression that I'm just attention seeking. so much so that it appears to pervade much of your argument against me. The phrase "The lady doth protest too much" springs immediately to mind. And this isn't just rhetoric, this assertion is based on my meagre years of meeting people who when fucked up about certain issues seem to feel the need to accuse everyone else of their problem. Pretty basic psychology.
"people who when fucked up about certain issues seem to feel the need to accuse everyone else of their problem"
The end.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:30,
i agree
also one think that will make it worse is b3ta tv
weebl and bob were great 2 years ago when jonti was making them on his lil blueyonder site with scratchspider and all the classics... then he went to tv and now school playgrounds are full of childing going mmmmm pie
do we really want 10 years olds going ur a cunt
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:54,
weebl and bob were great 2 years ago when jonti was making them on his lil blueyonder site with scratchspider and all the classics... then he went to tv and now school playgrounds are full of childing going mmmmm pie
do we really want 10 years olds going ur a cunt
Important lesson:
Things do not become less good when lots of people are into them. You just find it harder to act like you're part of a special crowd.
Although the special blunt scissors and the minibus counteract this last point.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:58,
Although the special blunt scissors and the minibus counteract this last point.
part of life is being an individual
if someone started wearing the same clothes as you can started acting like u, u would be annoyed would u not?
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:00,
if someone started wearing the same clothes as you can started acting like u, u would be annoyed would u not?
There's a difference between popularity and conformity. Do you really think everything that's any good only stays good so long as it's only an elite minority who appreciate it?
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:04,
these are wise words.
fact is, we're all cliquey. some may want to conform to the politically correct "Let All Good" side of life, but ultimately we are all different, and the more pressure a person feels to conform against their ideals, the more strongly they'll end up reacting against it. Pretty basic psychology really. I don't have to like everyone just so I can feel like a mature human being.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:06,
So. To recap:
1) You start a thread about how rude b3ta has become, and then proceed to tell us that we lack intelligence.
2) You tell us that it was better in your day when b3ta was for a certain type of crowd and met your standards of behavior, and then you start talking about how we shouldn't conform to group psychology.
I predict that your next argument, in keeping with your inability to maintain any kind of logical point or continuity of rhetoric, will be about how ice cream should be called Dave.
I repeat: *sigh*
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:13,
2) You tell us that it was better in your day when b3ta was for a certain type of crowd and met your standards of behavior, and then you start talking about how we shouldn't conform to group psychology.
I predict that your next argument, in keeping with your inability to maintain any kind of logical point or continuity of rhetoric, will be about how ice cream should be called Dave.
I repeat: *sigh*
I don't care how rude b3ta has become
I care that it feels more like an open day for junior school kids with no parents around. When I started frequenting the board I'd guess the average age was mid-twenties. Some people, like bananaman turned out to be 16 and you just wouldn't have known from their manner. Nowadays the average age seems to be mid-teens. This in itself is fine of course, it's just a world apart from what I used to know and love.
you also assert that I said you all lack intelligence. Perhaps, comparatively, since the average age of board members has dropped. I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm saying you'll have a different outlook on things when you're ten years older.
2) it was better in my day. Using phrases like "my standards of behaviour" is such a loaded argument that it doesn't really bear much inspection, but nonetheless I will. People gravitate towards others who are like them. This is a fact. It is this behaviour that helps you to assert your own individuality as you need to stand out from that crowd to find yourself. All well and good. But when the crowd and the crowd's modus operandi changes in your environment, it makes you pissed off. This is my situation.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:29,
you also assert that I said you all lack intelligence. Perhaps, comparatively, since the average age of board members has dropped. I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm saying you'll have a different outlook on things when you're ten years older.
2) it was better in my day. Using phrases like "my standards of behaviour" is such a loaded argument that it doesn't really bear much inspection, but nonetheless I will. People gravitate towards others who are like them. This is a fact. It is this behaviour that helps you to assert your own individuality as you need to stand out from that crowd to find yourself. All well and good. But when the crowd and the crowd's modus operandi changes in your environment, it makes you pissed off. This is my situation.
being an individual
is not about being the same as everyone else in a small gang, instead of a big gang. It's about being yourself. And I'm not going to stop liking something just because everyone else has started liking it too. That wouldn't be being an individual, it would be deliberately not being like myself in order to make some sort of a point.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:07,
No, it doesnt make it less good.
but when the new people are twunts and they start affecting the thing, then it can become worse.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:06,
there's a lot more usernames now
as far as i'm aware, so loads are probably still here, just hidden in the crowd
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:43,
"is that you no longer recognise many of the usernames.
You know what?
Tough titties."
No it isnt, I've never really cared about that, I've not really gotten into th ewhole friendly community side of b3ta as most people seem to.
Whoevers name is under a post doesnt not change my opinion of the picture that's posted, or the releveance of a comment that's been made.
It's always been that there's names I dont recognise posting here as there's always been new members joining in, the onlyones i remember are those who tend to make decent contributions to the board.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:47,
Tough titties."
No it isnt, I've never really cared about that, I've not really gotten into th ewhole friendly community side of b3ta as most people seem to.
Whoevers name is under a post doesnt not change my opinion of the picture that's posted, or the releveance of a comment that's been made.
It's always been that there's names I dont recognise posting here as there's always been new members joining in, the onlyones i remember are those who tend to make decent contributions to the board.
Sorry, I was really replying to .spanky.
You just sort of said "yeah" after he'd spoken so I instinctively replied to your post.
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:49,
i agree with some of his points
The swearing thing is obviously a valid point, there wouldn't of been a swearing filter put on a while back if it wasnt.
I know it was partly due to people being rude to new members who might not know any better, but the thing was the ones who were being rude to the new members were usually pretty new themselves.
I do however disagree with the way a thread was made ranting about it.
The only chance there is of overcoming this is to make an effort to be fluffier, ranting and moaning about it just adds to the problem.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:55,
I know it was partly due to people being rude to new members who might not know any better, but the thing was the ones who were being rude to the new members were usually pretty new themselves.
I do however disagree with the way a thread was made ranting about it.
The only chance there is of overcoming this is to make an effort to be fluffier, ranting and moaning about it just adds to the problem.
your a bit slow mate
i have my own language
only clever ppl know it
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:02,
only clever ppl know it
but by that rationale there should also be an increase in the
no. of talented people...as defined by the equation
X= J-P{KG30/P}
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Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:50,
X= J-P{KG30/P}
unless the majority of the population is fick,
Me being a prime example of fick.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:51,
Me being a prime example of fick.
Well why don't you
start your own 'good' board and post images all by your self.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:46,
I kinda agree with you,
though u could have put it in a fluffier way, and maybe every combination of picture has been done.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 19:47,
I'm one of the
what-is-happening-to-b3ta lot. I just wanted to vent some spleen before cocking off completely. See if someone could convince me otherwise. perhaps I'll just come back another day and try to settle in again...
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:12,
Dont sod off
stay and try and help improve peoples attitudes somewhat.
And despite all the shit, there's still a lot of good stuff here, you just have to sift through a bit more shit to get to it.
( ,
Sat 10 Apr 2004, 20:15,
And despite all the shit, there's still a lot of good stuff here, you just have to sift through a bit more shit to get to it.
Smile, My Furry Little Friend
I've been a-gandering at this here board for less than a year, so I suppose I'm too young to have witnessed your Golden Age of B3ta. I didn't even have an account until tonight, I'd just get in from college, clamp my jaws to the monitor and, like the hideous humour-leech I am, feast on the chortleworthyness of the board.
And y'know, for all the swearing, it still makes me chortle. With glee, on occassion.
I don't know what that's worth to you; I'm from Birmingham after all. But don't be too hard on B3ta. It's better than an unimaginatively designed paving arrangement.
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Sun 11 Apr 2004, 4:37,
And y'know, for all the swearing, it still makes me chortle. With glee, on occassion.
I don't know what that's worth to you; I'm from Birmingham after all. But don't be too hard on B3ta. It's better than an unimaginatively designed paving arrangement.