![Challenge Entry: A day in the life of David Hasselhoff [challenge entry]](/images/board_posticon_c.gif)
Well, i figured even though the compo is 100% perfect for this a simple repost would be lame, so i took the chance to improve everything i ever wanted:

New! Now with shadows, Blinkenlights and loads of jolly dancing! ;-)

New! Now with shadows, Blinkenlights and loads of jolly dancing! ;-)
From the A day in the life of David Hasselhoff challenge. See all 384 entries (closed)
( , Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:05, archived)

it was fantastic first time `round, but now it`s
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Thu 21 Jul 2005, 22:50,

A pal and I have decided to go over to that Europe place within the next few days, so that should be fun.
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:12,

I hear that they eat some strange things over there and talk all funny too - If they don't seem to understand you correctly the first time you request something, I'd recommend asking them again in a sterner tone and giving them a gentle tapping with one's cane.
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:16,

not a proper language like ours, I thrashed them with my cane within an inch of their lives!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:18,

one can't take one's pistolettes on the air transportificator - trouble with the foreigners and whatnot.
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:25,

we are travelling by oceanwagon from Rosyth and taking the horseless carriage, any trouble and those johnny foreigners will get what for!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:29,

now go and scrub you retinas, bleach your mind and take a woo with you for your troubles/insanity!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:08,

that goes SOOO well with Mystery Bob's Ukulele rendition of the Knight Rider tune:
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:09,

Woo Yay for Ukuleles!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:14,

and perfection will be improved upon!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:16,

But then again: Who would operate the mean KITT Lowriding machine when David has his hands full playing the ukulele?
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:43,

my life is complete.
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:14,

i still have a framed first-edition MB robot plectrum (which i will bring the the first b3ta roadshow)
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:17,

i still love this, by the way.
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Thu 21 Jul 2005, 1:07,

But there's lots of stuff going on, that's for sure. It finally working again for example! Or what did you refer to?...
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Thu 21 Jul 2005, 1:58,

now it's at the top of the fp with only 4 responses to it.
it had so many before.
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Thu 21 Jul 2005, 3:17,
it had so many before.

( , Thu 21 Jul 2005, 4:38, archived)

if the fp was alive it would be there with pride.
Woo and yay and SMOOG!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:09,
Woo and yay and SMOOG!

What happened to el Frontpage anyway?
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:11,

the mods were just jealous of me having the bestest frontpager in history so angrily destroyed the best of the board on the fp
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:15,

it was my sterling effort
/thumbs nose and sings
*i broke the frontpage, naah na na naaah na*
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:21,
/thumbs nose and sings
*i broke the frontpage, naah na na naaah na*

Honestly, what happened? Anyone know? Will it be back soon? I NEED MY DAILY FIX OF FP!!!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:25,

mine had been there for a few days, and managed to burn through more bandwidth than i remember FPs doing in the past.
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:27,

ate through 22gb in about 2 days flat
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:30,

so it only got 15gigs in the couple of days it was up
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:48,

Most of the hard work was done back then, i just fixed a few things that weren't quite right and added the song and dance bit, which was always in my head when i watched it! ;-)
But yes, it WAS lots of work... And i do have no life, but unfortunately my no-life isn't spent on b3ta anymore but rather at work...
Missed an invitation to dinner for this, fuck i'm hungry....
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:18,
But yes, it WAS lots of work... And i do have no life, but unfortunately my no-life isn't spent on b3ta anymore but rather at work...
Missed an invitation to dinner for this, fuck i'm hungry....

and deservedly so ...
but there isn't a best of board for it to be fp'd on
dee da dee da dee da dee dah or what?

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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:19,
but there isn't a best of board for it to be fp'd on
dee da dee da dee da dee dah or what?

back in 2003
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:23,

And the dancing makes it even better! Who'd have thought it possible?
Seriously, if this doesn't win, the winner better be pretty damned good!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:19,
Seriously, if this doesn't win, the winner better be pretty damned good!

Slicing and dicing like there's no tomorrow, hehe!...
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:23,

I wasn't going to use up my 999th post, but I remember reading how you did the first version of this when I first found this site, and even with that the amount of tatty shopping needed is fantastic.
Anyway I just want to say it's crap coz the first version goes quicker!
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:24,
Anyway I just want to say it's crap coz the first version goes quicker!

... but the Boy looked like a spastic with the original 0.03s frame delay! ;-)
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:30,

I also finally animated the scanner! ;-) And i did some fixing on the hood where you could see the slices before, hehe...
And i consulted an expert on lowriding tech as to how the button should really be pressed, but i doubt anybody has noticed that! ;-)
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Wed 20 Jul 2005, 0:28,
And i consulted an expert on lowriding tech as to how the button should really be pressed, but i doubt anybody has noticed that! ;-)

Well... It's not much bigger, but anyway! ;-) Why do the b3ta-ddos once when you can do it twice? Harhar....
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:39,

this deserves a Panowie. In fact, a panowie and a jaffa cake. Go, take one from the barrel...
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:53,

Tjenks! 8) I could do with some cake, having missed dinner and all...
I still don't know what a "panowie" actually is! ;-) Google gives me just shitloads of polish stuff!...
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:56,
I still don't know what a "panowie" actually is! ;-) Google gives me just shitloads of polish stuff!...

There are some mods around as always i guess! ;-) Here's me hoping for a bookmark for when the FP is back! 8)
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Tue 19 Jul 2005, 23:58,

OR am you just scary good? MY head hurt. YOU make me cry. ME love yourself.
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Wed 20 Jul 2005, 0:03,

very clever. the give away was a slight blur on the bonnet. Still all of teh woo. Hummus must run in your viens
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Wed 20 Jul 2005, 0:38,