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Bushboy ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:44,
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i like that a lot
but 270x2000px is slightly mickey taking ah screw it wyhp!!!!!
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:47,
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what's wrong
with that?
freshlegs ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:48,
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nothing actualyy
i dunno why i said it its wooage of the highest orer
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:50,
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freshlegs ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:51,
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a deeply unnerving ratio...
rogan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:52,
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bloody hell you're right
recurring 407s!
freshlegs ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 20:03,
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the juxtaposition of space and death. perfect.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:47,
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all life is there does it mean anything?
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:48,
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i like that...
woo :)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 20:09,
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Yum, another slice anyone?
underneath the weeping willow ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:44,
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transit ham loverly
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:45,
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White bread van man
Tart Monkey ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:45,
archived )
rollingcabbage is still alive ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:41,
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I recognise him
Pouched_species ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:45,
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damn puppies get everywhere
HickyVicki ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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i don''t dare ask
erm... yeeeeeees wooyay?
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34,
archived )
prima donnas the lot of 'em
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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It is me
or does that guy have 3 legs?
Goodie ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:37,
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you're right... he's jake the peg
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
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Most male ballet dancers look like they have three legs.
fwik fwik
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:40,
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lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:41,
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louise3512uk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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oi you, go shop a kitten then wash out yourmind with soap
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:44,
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hehehe oooohhh sorry
it would be worse if willys made me go 'eeugh'
louise3512uk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:56,
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How odd
Quite woo though.
underneath the weeping willow ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:41,
archived )
His agent warned me he was shy...
freshlegs ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
archived )
Arf it's Bernard Manning
singing 'Green green grass of home' in a cardboard box.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34,
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"livin in a box...
...I'm livin in a cardboard box..." woo!
Mystery_Bob ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:37,
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Easy listening....
Tart Monkey ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:44,
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but how does he smell smoke?
rogan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:53,
archived )
Something is very wrong about Sargant 's pizza.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
archived )
That's it, I'm going back to dial up. At least you get some warning.
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:27,
archived )
hmm... thats made me hungry....
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:27,
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Does being the
Fucking moon lord have a good benefits package?
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:30,
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not as good as you'd think
i mean, you get all the free cheese you could ever want, and the sex with attractiv females (or males if you are so inclined) is good an all, but the workload is huge and you dont get medical for 5 months
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
archived )
I guess
that delegation is out of the question.FUCKSOCKS! I forgot about the total eclipse of the moon last night. Damn damn damn!
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34,
archived )
it was cloudy.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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Ah, but with a total eclipse of the moon
it would have been darker and cloudy. :(
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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yeah sorry
was having a bad day so i took it off line
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:39,
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the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza! etc...
woo yay
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:28,
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explains a lot
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:28,
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why it wants to kill me, mostly.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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be careful
I think you may have angered the beast by hurling it on the floor
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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did you get my last 4rthur?
sorry to be a moany cunt...
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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yeah. i've been farting about with it for an hour or so
and fixed it, but now it's behaving like an arse in another way.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:33,
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typical. sorry, i just get very excitable with this kind of thing.....
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34,
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it's hard to debug when you're not running it on your own server
i have some work to be doing for tonight. mind if i give it a break for today?
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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no problem.
as i said, i can keep doing things the old-fashioned way for now
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:37,
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any chance i could have the latest version
for my own learning purposes?
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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Batsgirl ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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no. bad pizza.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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I still don't get
What the white things are supposed to do?
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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hold the slices apart.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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they look like a really good invention. Ive never seen them before actually.
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:36,
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The white trianglar tripod things
are to keep the box lid from squashing the pizza topping, and for fucking with everybody's mind to try and figure out what they do, like the little bags of silica you get in new handbags.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
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why would you want the toppings not squashed,
one of the geat pleasures of take out pizza is the mangled toppings
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:39,
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Yes but the cheese sticks to the lid
and because it mozzarella then that means nearly all your topping gone
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:42,
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but then you get to argue over who gets to pick at the box lid
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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In our house
that will be the two dogs.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:44,
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you just don't know how to live it up
you lot
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:46,
archived )
I don't get out much
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:48,
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is that supposed to be to sook up any moisture in the air ... like when you get sachets of silica gel with electronic equipment?
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
archived )
That's what they would like us to thing
It's actually for the handbag fairies who like their fish & chips.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:46,
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I thought it was to stop the top of the box squishing the pizza
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
archived )
You are correct - and today's prize
is a trip to Pizza Hut to look at people eating through the windows.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:40,
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Can't I get to do something
I don't normally do?
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:41,
archived )
Okay you can go on a trip to laugh at the poor people
eating in "It's a Crappy Italian Pizza Parlour" down the road.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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*pulls on galoshes*
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:47,
archived )
Looks familiar
Maybe it's related to this guy .
Noit happy baby orangutan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
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Efficient and space saving reply
azerty ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:58,
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hmm. evenin.
souljah ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:24,
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_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:25,
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that is gorgeous!
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:25,
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glenbo ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
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and yaytasitic
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
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Batsgirl ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
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coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:28,
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That is so cute
but I bet it's evil
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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than likely knowing my sense of humour, but today have been more fluffy.
souljah ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
archived )
How cute
That picture could go one of two ways. Either something swoops down and eats it. Or it goes RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATRRGHHHH. Its still very wooey and yayey.
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:30,
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I think it's happy just standing there.
Batsgirl ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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Actually the more I look at it
The more I think it's about to eat me.
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:33,
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that's a beauty!
freshlegs ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:33,
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The suspense was more exciting than the picture, oh well
Omad ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:15,
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200 kb bmp
you can cock off, make that a jpeg NOW
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:15,
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it's a 200kb jpg.
how, i'm not sure.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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its a bmp
but he's changed the file extension
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:17,
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google should be a source for pics. Not the number of colors or file size.
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:18,
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_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:19,
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i second that
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:19,
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I third it
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:20,
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is this a barbershop quartet?
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:21,
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Mr Sandmaaaaaaaan
bring me a dream
Goodie ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:22,
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Oh Sir Sandgoblin,
bring me a dream, with lots of hummus, so I can shop the A-team...
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:28,
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Tra La La
Who knows?
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:22,
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Dibble de billibelery doobedobedobedo
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:23,
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It's a maths thing
googol for it.
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:21,
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ahhhh i getcha
its spelt differently though... named by a mathmeticians 5 year old daughter i believe
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:22,
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now you're being silly.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:22,
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It only took 3 minutes for the correct answer this time. My former work associates didn't have it right for over half an hour.
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
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I don't get it
Please explain!
dogsbollocks ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:27,
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a googol is a 1 with 100 noughts after it
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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It's a number.
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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i decided to go for the retards explanation
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:30,
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That's a
mongolplex you're thinking of.
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:31,
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the definition of a horde?
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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Here we go:
One thousand = 1 with 3 zeros One million = 1 with 6 zeros (at least in US) One trillion = 1 with 12 zeros Googol = 1 with 100 zeros
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:30,
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oh fine out retardify me why doncha
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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be the champeen retard.
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:33,
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it contains secret coded information about Department II of Smersh?
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:20,
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or a big willy.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:21,
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perhaps both
who knows what smersh is up to these days?
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:25,
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maybe it contains the upload codes?
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:21,
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You like bag, please?
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:23,
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the codes
the codes for uplaoding?
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:30,
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Even on broadband that took a while to load.
Timmy (Esq) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:24,
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i still actually havn't bothered waiting for it
lifes too short
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
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i lose.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:15,
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bless you, and your tribulations
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:20,
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I've just realised
That's not Robbie Williams. Now I get it.
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:21,
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may I ask
what does this have to do with crap inventions by Q?
Roxy_Hart is so so old ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 20:00,
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Sir Jon Dangerous ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:04,
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very monkeon
:) woo
Obz Click, ting, stamps ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:05,
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Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:05,
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that's cracking! go cats!
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:06,
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I laughed at the pic
And now I'm laughing at the woo too.
HP hasn't been here in aaaaaages ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
archived )
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
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Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:05,
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he is you know
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
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for boobies! and the pic
robh ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:10,
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Corn Dog ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:14,
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coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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Woo! And Boobies!
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:23,
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tee hee
boobies :)
Batsgirl ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:23,
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aww shit. i dropped my pizza while it was in the box
and now it looks like a shrapnel victim.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:02,
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and it has those
little triangles from every second counts!
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:03,
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shit load of good those did.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:03,
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Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:04,
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Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:03,
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meat feast?
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:03,
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now gone cold. i feel like pengy.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:04,
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cold pizza rocks
tis my favourite breakfast
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:05,
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it does
but this was my first hot meal in 3 days
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:06,
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don't your halls have a micro or something you could use?
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
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catered, so no kichens
and my meal card has run out
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:08,
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erm...take the heatsink off your processor and reheat it on that
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:10,
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_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:11,
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i'm out of ideas then
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:13,
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set it doing some rendering or summat
turn it upside down, and cook on that
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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if the sas ever write a geek survival guide
that'll be in it, no fear
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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or do as i did
and ask it tocalculate the 10^17th prime
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:18,
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you'll not starve!
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:18,
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i crashed my computer and wouldn't boot up after that
had to reinstall windows, it sems to have cooked my audio controller too
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:20,
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i'm pretty sure you did something wrong somewhere
but i can't for the life of me work out what it was
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:22,
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erm.. yes i rather assumed i had
still it hasn't taken me long to get my old settings straight but i'll have to wait till tuesday for any sound
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:25,
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spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:08,
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student life is shit.
all work, no beer, no sex. prmph.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:09,
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you're doing it wrong
try doing a bit less work. the rest should follow
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:10,
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and a little less b3ta
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:12,
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b3ta makes you sexier
but it deprives you of face-to-face interaction. as it were. um.
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:14,
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it made me
13 stone sexier, now the ladies cant keep away!because i have my own gravitational pull :'(
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:22,
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that's a statistic you can take to the bank. or the pie shop.
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:25,
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man that sucks :(
i just went to McWhatever to get a Mc Fucking Tasy Big Fucker meal, and they got me a coffee, then fucking WENT HOME!! and left me standing there with no FOOD after taking my fucking money! I told them though - I walked out!! That'll show em!
joshwa ultra lurker ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:04,
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you can get food at those places?
i cast doubt upon that
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:10,
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i've still got a gap in my stomach and £3.69 less in my pocket.
chuffin theives!
joshwa ultra lurker ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:11,
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they went home while you were in the restaurant?
you should have jumped the counter and got it yourself!
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:15,
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i did think about chucking the coffee at them
but they have cctv these days
joshwa ultra lurker ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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a friend of mine when i was at school
once jumped over an unattended fast food counter and yelled into the microphone "whopper! fuck!". we laughed at the time. much later it turned out that he had schizophrenia and had to be institutionalized.
freshlegs ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:42,
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imagine if it wasnt in the box though?
you'd have to clean it out of the carpet
DeviousMiscreant ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:04,
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what was on the pizza?
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:06,
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not sure anymore
but it's left good blood splatters
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
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I couldn't resist doing this...
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:58,
archived )
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:58,
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the chap near the back on the right?
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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i'd be gladys
given a choice
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:00,
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I want to be Gladys!
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:00,
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Everyone loves Gladys!
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:02,
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i just clicked that and
edovan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:03,
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*prints and sticks to face*
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:04,
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your face is that sticky?
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:06,
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because of Gladys? SICK!
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
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my lipgloss is
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:07,
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i remember you
you're the person who used to have the mr pringles disguise kit pic in the profile
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:08,
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Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:09,
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i apologise
i'm just amazed i can remember anything from that long ago, normally after remembering my own ame i need a sit down and a glass of water
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:11,
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so you only remember that pic?
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:11,
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also that you were blonde
and had a very posh study
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:14,
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allright, Im glad you remember me a bit though
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:15,
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quite alright
i've amazed myself, time to finish my coffee i think
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:16,
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byebye ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:39,
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Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:41,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:55,
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that must hurt
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:57,
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*covers nose*
Laini ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:57,
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Listen carefully
You can send a message from anywhere in the world with this equipment bond
Nicky Nacky Noo... Scratch and Sniff Please ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:37,
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it's sunday night on b3ta, who cares what pictures we see
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:38,
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i do....
pigeons are good to see... specially if they explode too
Predatory Sock has 99 dead baboons ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:39,
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AND IF THEY DON'T???!!!???
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:40,
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college you in at lancaster? i used to be in county.
souljah ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:54,
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are you sure?
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:39,
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that's the funniest thing i've seen you do
one of about 3 or 4 pictures here that have actually made me laugh aloud (i normally keep it in)
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:41,
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it's the baby's expression
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:42,
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it's me,
when i was a lad.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:43,
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explains a lot
alistair ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:53,
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from anywhere yes,
just a shame they don't go that far.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:38,
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capable of internation communication
Nicky Nacky Noo... Scratch and Sniff Please ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:47,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:54,
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from say france
to norway, After all is it not the european swallow that migrates from tropical zones to temperate zones, perhaps carrying a coconut?
Nicky Nacky Noo... Scratch and Sniff Please ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:58,
archived )
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:09,
archived )
looks like he's about to take a pot shot at one of them ... and he seems terribly pleased with himself about it
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:59,
archived )
Last week I asked a bunch of you to shop my boss, and you did, but i didn't think to make a note of who did what. Well, after debating which i liked best i left it up to 'my pictures screensaver' to choose for me. First out of the hat was this one... I will be donating on behalf of the winner as soon as they own up . and i shall be posting the picture in the office at work too... where my boss spends a lot of time skiving Thanks to everyone who entered... next time she's stupid enough to leave a photo not nailed down, it might be you that wins.
Predatory Sock has 99 dead baboons ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:34,
archived )
thats a woman???
thebear is thebear ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:35,
archived )
i think....
that was said the first time round too he he... it's official then, my boss looks like a man. i shall be sure to tell her
Predatory Sock has 99 dead baboons ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:38,
archived )
it's my picture.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:35,
archived )
It's my picture
and it's also my wife's.
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:36,
archived )
odd pic
Jimmaw ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:37,
archived )
Prince Gladys
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:32,
archived )
sunshine wood
thebear is thebear ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:32,
archived )
did. twice.
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:32,
archived )
i thought it was
thrice!with rice
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:33,
archived )
Was the fourth
with the mice?
Number_6 ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:34,
archived )
Obie Trice.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:34,
archived )
who didn't...
Mr. Bell Division ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:33,
archived )
Sunshine Would Sunshine Would Riding In The Glen...
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:36,
archived )
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:32,
archived )
you're very good
at putting me off my stroke.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:33,
archived )
t'is the power of
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:33,
archived )
I used to have a mate who would
ring me up and say "I'm just having a wank, say something dirty to finish me off"
thebear is thebear ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:35,
archived )
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:36,
archived )
just for you, SSG
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:39,
archived )
Is that what its
called these days? .
emptyspace ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:35,
archived )
it's what i call it these days.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:38,
archived )
What does this say for the band
(of the same name) .
emptyspace ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:41,
archived )
I think
he might be fond of them...
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:42,
archived )
How odd!
Number_6 ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:34,
archived )
finally got round to it
*feels slightly satisfied now*
CowJam ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:14,
archived )
i like it
disgusting' hehe
Corn Dog ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:15,
archived )
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:15,
archived )
hmmm... i just woke up
yay for me
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:17,
archived )
The Scone from U.N.C.L.E. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:16,
archived )
What does it taste like?
chobb ,ø¤ºGREATº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºRAPISTº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºRECOMMENDEDº¤ø ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:17,
archived )
how does it smell?
edovan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:20,
archived )
The Scone from U.N.C.L.E. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:24,
archived )
at least that's what my lass told me CowJam tastes like..
CowJam ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:21,
archived )
have one of these:
gumboots ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:26,
archived )
CowJam ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:28,
archived )
but it took 700 years and 4,618 dead cows before I found those.
gumboots ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:30,
archived )
i like i like!
louise3512uk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:29,
archived )
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:10,
archived )
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:10,
archived )
Is That from
Carry on Queen .
emptyspace ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:11,
archived )
Not enough guitars.
HP hasn't been here in aaaaaages ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:11,
archived )
shut it you.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:36,
archived )
Anybody mind if I propose a mini-challenge?
What Prince Charles really did. You know you want to.
HP hasn't been here in aaaaaages ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:11,
archived )
sounds like a good plan
but what if the lawyers hear? who gives a fuck?
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:13,
archived )
That's who
wayward. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:14,
archived )
does anyone really give a fuck if jesus gives a fuck these days?
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:16,
archived )
Fair point
well made. Prince Charles bums cripples
wayward. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:17,
archived )
who? .
emptyspace ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:42,
archived )
I'm pretty certain he said something
sensible about architecture.
The Scone from U.N.C.L.E. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:14,
archived )
He said:
"one is all gay" .
emptyspace ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:16,
archived )
"ones all gay"
Not very much gravitas at all ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:29,
archived )
If it wasn't for the fact
That we'd all get done for liable, I'd love that :D
Whillow ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:23,
archived )
i dont get it
Corn Dog ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:11,
archived )
robh ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:14,
archived )
[insert name of senior household manservant]!
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:14,
archived )
gotta be careful with that shit,
xfm ran a comp, and it was films fans of royal conspiracy theories would like, i got third with "silence of the maam", so it has to be something that parrallels the allegation, and therefore is not liablous
Nicky Nacky Noo... Scratch and Sniff Please ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:17,
archived )
Jinxx has been away a long time ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:18,
archived )
Don't worry
I know of what he speaks, although the legal position is nowhere near as secure as that. But who cares, do whatever anyway!
Ijon Tichy ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:20,
archived )
Was Charle's caught in
the legal position? .
emptyspace ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:22,
archived )
someone ran a comp and no-one got in trouble? fucking cracking story
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 18:19,
archived )
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