He's back for more, folks!
Please link to this or the original if you have a blog, as it greatly increases the chances of either or both ranking highly for searches for 'BNP' in YouTube especially. Oh, and please use the tag #theBNParetwats if you mention this or anything else BNP-related on Teh Twitter
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:15, Reply)

Billy Brit sounded a bit Australian in that as well :D
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:21, Reply)

to having an Australian's hand up your bottom. Try it sometime. :o)
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:23, Reply)

I've been told by the BNP to fuck off too, which I find heart warming :).
Also, serious question here, is it legal for political signs to be posted on lamposts? I only ask as the BNP have put one up, 10ft up, on the main junction which you need to pass to get to where I live, and I find it objectionable.
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:26, Reply)

I don't care if they get crabby about it.
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:42, Reply)

I did a case with a terrorist bloke who was done for putting posters on traffic signs. A bit like doing Al Capone for tax evesion really....
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:52, Reply)

I'm just horrified by the way the BNP seem to have singled out my town for political advance.
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:01, Reply)

I'm greatly amused by the idea of his laywer charging him for the two minutes and change it'll take to watch this.
(Here, of course, it would be wrong to assume anything about Iain Dale's arrangements with his laywers... I'm just amused at the idea of it is all.)
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:44, Reply)

after narrowly* escaping him becoming my local MP a few years ago, I need to keeps tabs on him to ensure he doesn't go for a repeat attempt.
*I say narrowly, of course what I actually meant was 'allowed Norman lamb the biggest majority he'd had in years'...
or, as Dale's own wikipedia entry puts it: 'losing spectacularly to the Liberal Democrat incumbent, Norman Lamb'
( , Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:48, Reply)

They say that having foreigners here will cause nothing but tension and conflict. So they set up a group that by definition will cause tension and conflict between two groups - 'us and them'. Except even 'us' doesn't agree who 'them' are.
Basically, fuck off BNP.
( , Tue 2 Jun 2009, 0:19, Reply)

"Foreigners steal our jobs, live off the state and..."
Am I the only one who sees a bit of a contradiction there?
( , Fri 5 Jun 2009, 13:58, Reply)

"Fuck off" is a marvelous political soundbite to quote at the end there. Their PA machine is so slick it's frightening.
( , Tue 2 Jun 2009, 0:46, Reply)

Why are morons protest voting for the BNP, when we have a perfectly good Monster Raving Looney Party for such occasions??
( , Fri 5 Jun 2009, 13:55, Reply)

Ah - nice to see that Blears has a new job already.
( , Fri 5 Jun 2009, 17:47, Reply)

... that flickers on the computer screen very very briefly?
( , Fri 5 Jun 2009, 18:32, Reply)