Bloke cleans his vinyl with wood glue.
Stole this off some clickbait site, so I'm not crediting it. Hah! One for you vinyl junkies. Skelts, I'm looking at you here. And have a boner.
thats cool
if i did that i'ld glue everything together or the bottle would explode mid application however this is what a wood glue record sounds like
(The invisible hamFig rolls are the best, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:22,
Wow, that's pretty cool.
I was expecting a LOL as he was lowering the needle onto the new 'record', I must say.
(Fray Brentos*mega-belms*, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:29,
First thing I thought was 'Does it play?'
why doesnt it play backwards? :P
(SpinIts a thing., Thu 17 Jul 2014, 14:13,
You'd need an inverted needle
...a vageedle?
(CADmonkeyrollllllllled another one, just like the other one, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 19:09,
why doesnt he just go to a car boot sale and save on the glue, wont any one think of the horses ?
(fluffybunnykillerIs feasting on the clitoris of life, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 16:01,
I've never seen a horse running a car boot sale
(brown-wingsMade with three kinds of butter, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 15:29,
That's brill
I must try it.
(Sherbs, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:30,
Why doesn't he just put them in the dishwasher?
(MyFrontFellOff; his mouth full of teddies, urinating defiantly, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:44,
At first I thought his lifehack was crazy. Then I kept watching and my mouth FELL OPEN!
(Throat And Ice PieI see dem tatties dere., Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:44,
*takes advantage*
Ah, that's better.
(Mr MannI love pigs, best of all the animals, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:50,
*grimaces* *wipes black residue from chin*
(Throat And Ice PieI see dem tatties dere., Thu 17 Jul 2014, 12:52,
Vinyl and Miles Davis?
Soooooo much hipster.
(Enzymeis powered by sunlight, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 13:04,
I wonder if this stuff would work? It would be a lot quicker as it dries in about half an hour I think
(kfkI get all my everything right here, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 13:23,
Fantastic, I have a number of records that could benefit from this.
Although apparently a soaking in soapy water does the trick too.
(fred zeppelinII: Electric Boogaloo, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 13:34,
Soapy water is one option...
Though you can pick up record cleaning machines for around £50. I had to clean my old vinyl collection when I finally got a deck again, so invested in one - the difference is amazing.
(Monsieur Allotropeis taking Tiger Mountain from behind, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 18:37,
this would work better on Goan trance records
where it doesn't matter if you get stuck in a groove
(cumquat maywill not be commenting further on the allegations, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 13:40,
Ha ha! My mate love pystrance. I just don't get it.
(Turquoise Hexagon Sunhas just dropped acid on, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 16:10,
also works with cds
just squirt it all over CD and cdplayer. Use a matchstick to get it in all the sockets and crevices. Insert CD, and press play. Leave for a week and voila.
(benito vaselinino not that one, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 13:51,
now play the inverted glue copy!
(SpunkyBackpack, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 14:15,
The glue he peeled off has surely made a reverse version?
So if he plays that, it'll go backwards and summon Jazz Satan? .
(sir_spicious2000Crap I've watched:, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 14:27,
Some could say that Jazz is satan in the first place.
(Sherbs, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 14:43,
Some could say flabaksjdaskjldasufqeiunfalfnasdlcj .... but not me.
(chompedhomas, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 15:03,
So that's how they make kraft cheese slices.
(Paolo Nutini's BikiniBetter than Frederick Fleet's optometrist, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 14:35,
If you use jizz you can lick it off afterwards and get the benefit of the protein.
(JamTallons, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 15:29,
He could have just downloaded it from iTunes
in about 5 minutes. No need to wait 24 hours or waste perfectly good glue.
(Chairman Wow, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 15:48,
The music sounded just a rotten afterwards
(Varmint, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 18:52,
I've read about this
The science is: record = PVC glue = PVA
and the two don't stick. The PVA just picks up all the crud and you peel it off.
And for the record, (see what I did there?) not everything is on sodding iTunes.
(Bob the Builderkilled Captain Alex, Thu 17 Jul 2014, 19:35,
so a slightly less crackly version is created?
(dyllonnice beaver., Thu 17 Jul 2014, 22:20,
once it is clean
he could do the glue trick again for a dust free negative. then press the resulting negative into some play dough, cut that into a disc and then deep freeze it. he then has a perfect play dough copy which he could use as another record for at least 20 seconds.
i'm going to make glue negatives of everything in my house now. then when i lose something (EG my keys) i can do the playdough/deep freeze trick.
*clicks on 10 tubs of 10 liters of glue on amazon and 200 4 packs of playdough*
(L E T S G O"Stop buying into and spreading this shit", Fri 18 Jul 2014, 12:44,
I'm going to make a glue negative...
...of my cock in case I lose that. Then I can show the doctors to make me another just like this (but a bit bigger).
(Black MoonNot cracked, I'm all up to be., Sat 9 Aug 2014, 1:55,
It's a Biore strip for music.
(Ladyfingersis in your wardrobe,, Sat 2 Aug 2014, 3:38,
Wood Glue Spirograph! rushes off to patent office
(brown-wingsMade with three kinds of butter, Fri 8 Aug 2014, 15:30,
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