(RompaStompaStick it up your jumper, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 19:09,
What terrible shots
They all missed.
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 19:21,
that it did miss really
(278stroke6I'll sleep. You talk., Fri 27 Jun 2014, 8:51,
That really is rather special
This will all seem terribly mundane in a couple of years time, but right now it's fantastic! I love the point of view of being *inside* the explosion sphere of some of those firecrackers.
Appropriate music too, but I bet it would be fucking awesome played on a 4k screen with a humungous speaker stack belting out the actual audio of the display.
(Puerile Digital Arts Community- Make sigs bold and link coloured! Now!, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 19:22,
Excellent, although I would have like to have heard a few of the explosions too.
I don't think it needed the bit in reverse either.
(Varmint, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 19:30,
The only time you should play video in reverse is with the money-shots in porn.
so I have heard
(MyFrontFellOff; his mouth full of teddies, urinating defiantly, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 19:50,
like a human hoover
(------, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 21:31,
That's the one!
(MyFrontFellOff; his mouth full of teddies, urinating defiantly, Thu 26 Jun 2014, 21:39,
whoah, that looks amazing
(@feelwelcomeHello, Fri 27 Jun 2014, 10:34,
Blue Leader to all sections.
Enemy anti-aircraft intact. Keep your eyes open. We're going in.
(joefishIt's hard for thee to kick against the pricks, Fri 27 Jun 2014, 12:04,
Fisrt time I've actuelly enjoyed an fireworks video.
(smellysamlyingcableSeaman on, Fri 27 Jun 2014, 15:09,
needs better music
kin classical wank
(colmcq2, Fri 27 Jun 2014, 17:39,
Great shooting red team. Get you a case of beer for that one.
(da5id<YOUR SIG HERE>, Wed 2 Jul 2014, 22:21,
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