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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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"Allow nested replies" checkbox for QOTW posts.
There seems to be a bit of a disagreement over whether or not nested replies on QOTWOT is a good idea. As a compromise, may I suggest that when starting a new thread, there should be a checkbox that lets you choose whether or not you allow the nested-replies thingy to work on replies to your thread. That way, people who want to start an old-style thread can do so. As well as QOTWOT, some people might also want to do this on the other QOTWs.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 20:56, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
But every sub message is counted in the total
so you always know when there's a new reply. Your way just seems extra faffy to me.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:06, Reply)
People'll get used to it, then realise how good it is to not have to reply to four people, with names, in a single post.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:09, Reply)
The idea is that this will allow people who want to start a flat-reply thread to do so. Anyone who wants to start a nested-reply thread can do so as well. It's just a single checkbox in the "Post a reply" thread.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:10, Reply)
I find nested replies hard to follow.
They're too broken up when someone makes a direct reply to something that has lots of nested replies already. Still, looks like I'll just have to get used to it though.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:13, Reply)
More confusing than having to scroll up to find out what people might be replying to?

(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:18, Reply)
Who said that?
Where are you?
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:33, Reply)
Who what now?
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:45, Reply)
*mashes face against keyboard*
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:56, Reply)
Not quite
When you get something like this halfway down the page, I do find it difficult to look back up as it's rather disjointed and I can't immediatly see what the post is in reply to. It just breaks the flow in reading. It's a bit like using a bloody Mac in some ways.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 22:16, Reply)
Haha, I use a mac...
Mebbes that's why I get it! ;)
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 22:46, Reply)
FFS, there are more important things to get annoyed about.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:23, Reply)
I'm not being annoyed
I'm just making a suggestion that would allow both systems to co-exist to an extent.
(, Thu 7 May 2009, 21:31, Reply)
"Eh-boneee and Ivor-reeee..."

(, Tue 12 May 2009, 17:14, Reply)

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