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This is a question World's Most Hated Food

What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.

(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
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You know what's disgusting?
Beer. Haha, just kidding. It's BEETROOT. I mean... It tastes like EARTH! Who wants to eat earth? Not me, that's for sure.

I also hate peanut butter something rotten. It doesn't smell TOO bad, but I swear, once you get it in your mouth it's just wrong, all wrong. So, so horribly wrong. The taste, the way it clings for dear life to your teeth and every part of the inside of your mouth, EVERYTHING! Peanuts should be ready salted or dry/honey roasted. Trying to make them confectionary is WRONG I tell you!
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 16:08, Reply)
I used to have a real physical aversion to peas
just had to put one in me mouth and i'd shudder and gag, full on colly wobbles.
don't mind em at all now, funny how things change when you get all old innit?
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 16:08, Reply)
I lothe:
The smell of fried mushrooms: Makes me want to vomit through my nose...
Animal organs: Who the hell would want to eat liver/kidney/tongue/lung anyway?
Beetroot (tastes like soil), the middle mushy part of tomatoes (rank), milk or anything milky (although I have it in coffee and T)
The smell of Tuna Mayo: I love Tuna steak, and I love mayo - But mixed together makes it into some horrific smelling, retch-worthy meal (fun for all the family that one)

I actually don't mind SurStrömming, or any other type of herring/reindeer/moose/insert wacky Swedish cuisine here - Thats because I'm a savage and I like it. And me mam's Swedish so I was probably fed it or something equally abusive as a kid.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 16:02, Reply)
KEBABS!!!!!!!! Bleurch!
the very scent of such a foul processed meat product makes me want to create a pavement mosaic!
*runs and throws up*
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 16:00, Reply)
are in fact the glands of (usually) little cows. Shouldn't they be called something more honest like throat glands of moolets and not something that actually sounds quite appealing.
Although if they were called throat glands of moolets they's sound like a dodgy glam rock tribute band.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:58, Reply)
Eww there are so many!
I hate sweetcorn. popcorns great but sweetcorn reminds me of vomit and yellow rotting teath of the receptionist at my mums old school. My sister loves the stuff which is another reason i hate it, as well as it tasting like dog piss.

Even worse is Beansprouts, how can anybody take the crunchy sproutynes of this god forsakefull thing. Ive wasted almost a year of my life picking the little bastards out of my chinese noodles when some git forgets I ordered without. I seriously want to throw up when i see the bucket loads of these noodle demons in hungery jacks.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:55, Reply)
I *heart* all food
At least I can't think of any food that I really hate. (I ate duck-tongues yesterday; they're quite good.)
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:55, Reply)
does MGS stand for manchester grammar school, in your sense?
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:54, Reply)
have to be the most filth ridden and foul things on the planet. My mum brought some "special" ones back from Greece and announced that they tasted totally different from that supermarket pap. Yes they did, they tasted even more like pure evil than the cheapo ones.
Oh and a special mention has to go to the burnt raisins on a bread and butter pudding...the pudding is lovely until *crunch* and the bitter little bastard ruins the whole thing.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:53, Reply)
The Art of plate redistribution
I always hated school cabbage and mash. The best way to get past the old bat who would send you back to your table when you tried to escape was to redistribute the offending mash 'n cabbage around the plate to make it look like you had eaten some, or the MGS approach, to Snake Solid some of the cabbage by stealthy means of hiding under the mash.

And hope for the best.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:48, Reply)
Oh dear..... Regional cuisine at its most primative
Last year on a visit to my girlfreinds freinds in the north of sweden, we were lucky enough to arive for one of their birthdays. This was the first and with any luck the last time that I experienced Surströmming. This is the most putrid foodstuff I HAVE EVER tasted. Or smelt. Take one herring and then ferment it with a little salt and can it. When you open the can, or someone near you opens one you experience the most nausiating smell of rotting fermented fish, imagine a rotting fish smell and then imagine it worse. Then your expected to eat it. Raw. Its so putrid you dont drink carbonated drinks with it (like beer)coz it knocks the CO2 out of solution in your guts. nice. The only mercy is that you can try to anialate your taste centers and brain with copiose ammounts of vodka schnaps.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:47, Reply)
I don't mind ketchup on its own, or with meat, but combine it with anything else, like chips, or a ketchup and cheese sandwich, and it makes me want to throw up. The smell of someone eating chips with ketchup on them...there's nothing quite like it.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:46, Reply)
tofu is grown from fungus in soil
about half a mile underneath paris.

100% fact.

actually, that might be quorn.. i think tofu is just GM shit
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:45, Reply)
I hate chicken. It tastes fowl and looks poultry.

A-ha ha ha ha ha! Ha! Ha ha ha!... A-ha, a-herm... a-ho, a-hoo, a-hum, a-herm, cough... oh lord...
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:40, Reply)
if you dont like mc dee's gerkin
then just ask for a burger without one. they (sometimes) cook it fresh for you too, well worth it knowing that you have to wait a minute for something thats less than an hour old (i kid you not, i used to work there) and doesnt have pickle in it..

or, if you wanna have some fun, order your mates burger with extra pickle (girkin) in. maccy dees employees KNOW everyone hates the stuff, so when asked for extra, they always pile about 30 of the things in, thus flavouring the entire burger like girkinjuice, for the rest of its short life..
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:39, Reply)
pickled eggs
need i say more?
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:36, Reply)
Milk cubes-well they were ducks
During the space between our exams we all crashed at cassies house as she is wonderful and let us eat everything in her house. As you can imagine waiting two hours after a chemistry exams for a history exam we got rather bored-so i made milk cubes. try it!Its revoulting i had to spit mine out as it tasted of rubber and was pure skank. I made four of these little horrors and two remained after me and my crazy friend sarah had dared to eat it. many days passed and one more was to fall victim to the evil milk cube.Sorry Cassies dad-didnt mean to spoil your cold coke,and sorry to Alex(Cassies bro)who got the blame for my mischief.The genius of the little monsters was that they looked so cute and innocen because they were shaped like ducks!!!i mean honestly how many of you can resist an ice cube shaped like a duck?
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:36, Reply)
On Caviar
You can get "caviar" at Lidl for one pound only. Only instead of sturgeon eggs they use halibut roe. Not nice at all.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:35, Reply)
Baked beans - quite possibly why I was never a student.
Peas - there is no cutlery designed for them. Ever wondered why?
Raw tomatoes - like sticking your tongue into a slug.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:33, Reply)
You're all wrong ....
It's got to be TOFU, what the FCUK is Tofu made from? Something to do with smelly socks I imagine
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:32, Reply)
Halva is a mixture of chick peas and honey (I think) eaten by Greeks or Turks or something. The smell of it two rooms away is enough to make me vomit all over the walls. My mum loves the stuff.
Also Mushrooms. They just aren't food. Ditto the rehydratable soya chunks you can get on the cheap. Bad bad bad.
Grapefruit - it's bitter! Bitter isn't nice!
Don't like bananas or peppers either but that's just me being picky.
I'm not as picky as I was, though. When I was three I wouldn't eat anything apart from jaffa cakes and garlic sausage, and I'd only drink ribena. My dad had to bring a bottle into playschool as all the other kids were given orange squash.
I must have been a right pain in the arse.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:29, Reply)
is shit. No need for an explanation, it's just shit. it smells shit, looks shit and tastes shit, and that makes it shit.

Fresh tuna? bearable, but let's be honest, it's shit isn't it. like tender bacon rind with a fishy tang.
Canned tuna? Catfood. Shit.
Smoked Haddock? fucking stinks out the entire block of flats for days.. it's shit.
Squid? rubbery, tasteless leathery shit.
Ocean pie? hello diarrhoea... That's shit too.
Sushi? looks fantastic... but it tastes shit. And that makes it SHIT
Shellfish (mussels, oysters etc)? fuck off. Who's fucking stupid idea was it to eat those slimy salty smelly things? Cunts, whoever they are. Probably the French.
Shellfish (prawns etc)? Apparently these are best eaten alive. Alive! Bouncing around! Fuck that. Conclusion? also shit.
Caviare? So fucking shit, they had to launch the mother of all price hikes to make people thing it was so exclusive it must be good. Well, I've got news for you, you've been conned by Market Forces. Caviare is shit. it tastes fucking horrible, and no amount of "oh, this was £60 for 100g so it must be good" will convince me. Some people like to spend ludicrous amounts of money on shit things because it makes them feel exclusive. Doesn't stop those things being shit. Enter caviare.

I'll eat virtually anything else though. Some of you lot down there are right fussy bastards. For instance, mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is great. Not on it's own though. If it smells like rotten eggs - that's because it's gone off.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:20, Reply)
not sure there's anything i dislike that nobody else does, but
i can't stand:
rice pudding
hershey's "chocolate" (although thankfully i'm a brit, and so have only tried it once when a friend brought it back from holiday. says something about it that i still remember how ill i felt.)
liver, kidneys, frankfurters (you get the picture here, no?)
mayonaise, unless sufficiently masked by the sweet taste of bacon in my blt. why would anyone willing dip things in stuff that smells like rotten eggs?
marrow. yes, the vegetable, not the stuff in bones... well, that too. courgettes as well. just don't like the flavour.
fish, but only if it looks like a fish. same for poultry and stuff looking like birds. this one's probably freakishly psychotic, but what the hell, that's how i am.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:20, Reply)
fish, bananas, tomatoes, meat, ketchup, quiche, flan, raisins, vinegar, anything with the slightest hint of vinegar in (ie mayonnaise)
all = vomit for me

oh, and usually rotting corpses too...

nah, i love them really.

oh, and mixing sweet and savoury foods.. ie, pineapple on pizza, sweet icing bun eclair thingies

edit/ and oh yeah!

celery? celery? how can you hate celery? it's fucking lovely! i eat about 4 sticks a day! and for all you health concious people, you burn off more energy digesting it then you get from the celery itself!

edit/ and another thing!

fried mushrooms are my favourite smell and taste! they are beautiful! so so so so so nice! ahhh
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:13, Reply)
They made me eat it
As a child I was tricked into eating....

Spam Fritters - processed meat deep-fried in batter. As if it wasn't bad enough on its own.

Brawn - It was cow-brain, granny, why didn't you tell me?

Tongue – it tastes and smells like being licked by a sweaty bullock trying to sexually coerce you into a bovine-act. Some may love that, though.

As an adult I've had a go at:

That nasty Scandinavian dark bread that's made out of cardboard

And wondered: meringue, what wrongness is that? Crusty egg and sugar, yummy.

I’ve worked out that crème caramel tastes of the late 70's, early 80's. False and nasty.

Dutch chips. English chips with English mayo or French mayo, larverley. Vile, sweet, yellow, Cheeser-chips with custard-like ‘fritta-sauce’ on them, christ, how stoned do you have to be to eat them? I have never managed it.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:12, Reply)
Broad beans
in parsley sauce.

they are without a doubt the devils own food.

I'll eat pretty much anything, but those things can make me spontaneously vomit.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:10, Reply)
Fish in parsley sauce
Mum used to eat this when she was on the weightwatchers diet. My sister renamed it cod in sick and we haven't touched it since.

Also hate marmite, kidneys, liver, cereal, capers, black pudding, but most of all bananas.

I have NEVER EVER liked bananas, and to this day, my mum offers me one whenever I visit - she forgets that I cannot stand the sight/smell/taste of them. Feel sick now just thinking about them.

I like sprouts though
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:08, Reply)
Given ribena as a child, can not even smell the stuff now without wanting to hurl. Why, I know not. Suffice to say I would rather die than drink that foul stuff ever again.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:08, Reply)
Peanut butter smells so bad I can't bring myself to taste it. Peanuts are OK though, butter's OK too, but peanut butter - no.

Same with tinned tuna. I've had a tuna steak once, didn't particularly like it, but the tinned stuff just smells WRONG!

I've eaten one mussel in my life. Never again.

Goblin meat pudding. Seen it in the supermarket. I'm not trying this one - Goblin meat? Blegh!

Sprouts fucking rock - the problem is, you're cooking them too long. If you boil them for 5 hours (like my parents used to), they taste rank. And make you fart loads. Actually, that's a good thing.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:08, Reply)

I fucking hate everything about them. The mushy cock shaped cunts.

What if you get one with a runny black bit eh?
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:07, Reply)

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