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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Awooga. What a rush. Right. Yeah, I got my notes here just in case I completely forget what I'm fucking saying. So, how are we all? Are we all good? Excellent, excellent.
Right, like, I was sort of rehearsing earlier. It is an absolute fucking pleasure to be here in despite the fact that my heart is currently going nineteen to a dozen and I feel like I'm about to take my driving test. Which I failed three times in a row. However, I- the last time I maintain it wasn't my fault.
I like to maintain- thanks there- I like to maintain- God, that's fucking distracting.
I like to maintain that it wasn't actually my fault. It was actually the fact that the OAP stepped out in front of me. And the fact that driving examiner was actually y-
Are you fucking filming? You bastard. Oh for God's sakes. Anyway, urm.
I like to maintain that it wasn't my fault. It was in fact the fault of the driving examiner in that she didn't get there with the dual controls quick enough. That, and she was a frustrated Daily Mail reading bitch queen man-hating whore from hell. But, so it goes so.
So, I asked, I asked how you-we all were earlier. And, you know, you all obviously responded in the positive. But the answer that you never expect- which admittedly, I've never got- but you live in hope and you don't turn round and say "Actually Jim, I've just been bumraped by a tramp". Yes, I know that's gross-out humour but, any porn in a storm, right. And, especially tramps.
But anyway, and, uh, you know, If you're just asking someone how they are you don't expect their fucking life story. And if you get it, my resp-, my reaction is to go alright I'm going now bye bye.
Let's put that back up straight.
With sort of like with seeming in mind, urm, it is obviously festival season. Anyone going to any rock festivals soon? Leedsfest? Good luck.
Because, because, I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I had heard a story about a guy who sort of like, he's shall we say just a little bit different. He dresses up in a dry suit, this is from what I've heard, I don't know if it's true or not, dresses up in a dry suit with like full mask and snorkel and everything else. And goes and lurks in the long drops. And likes to play a little game with people. Yeah, you've heard this before haven't you. Oh well, so it goes. And, urm, you know he, he likes to, uh, like I say, play a little game. Don't spoil the punchline for me, please. Otherwise I'll be singling you out for a complaint later on. And, like I say, likes to lurk and he lurks in the long drops. Until you at the most vulnerable, your trousers around your ankles already feeling a little bit bleurrgh because of all of the various substances alcohol and the fact that, you know, your dung handles are you know pretty much brushing your shoes. And just at that moment apparently he likes to pop up and just go POP UP PIRATE you know like that.I'm gonna say if you've not had a shit before you certainly will after that.
That's just some of the silliness that we see on a daily basis. I mean, for example, once I was waiting at a train station taking part in the commonly known activity as waiting for trains. As you do. And I was there obviously watching the situation. There was my favourite member of the human species just for taking the piss out of: The Chav. He was standing there doing what chavs do - being fucking annoying cunt. But anyway. He was standing there with his can of Special Brew, cigarette, and mobile phone playing what can only be described as fucking noise.
Oi, Wh-where you going?
Anyway, back to the story, so he said, doing what he's doing, and there's this little eight year old running around doing what eight year olds do - going, sort of going like "ooh, well, happy days, happy days", you know, I'm not going to run around and run up all my energy so that I won't be an annoying little gimp whatever. And of course his parents were there, I mean, who would leave an eight year old child on there own with a train station? But, come off it. Sorry. And urrrm, yes, so he they're all in their accepted roles. I'm there being the observer thinking "my God, you're being so annoying", and you know, the chav is just going murmrmrmumrmr ntz ntz ntz coming out the mobile playing. And this you know the eight year old is running around playing gets fixed up a gear in the headlights with this chav and this chav just turns round and says "what you looking at?", as chavs apparently like to do when they're sort of like glanced at for half a microsecond by anyone. And this little kid, quick as ever, hold on two seconds, quick as a flash turns around like that and says "I don't know, but it appears to be trying to communicate with me". And I swear to God I've never seen anyone go from angry to confused at the flip of a switch. And the parents just grabbed this kid - Woah! - You know, and, you know, just got out of the situation I'm just sat there silently pissing myself with laughter. Not at the moment, thank God. And, urm, I was there, you know, and you never stood a chance under the towering intellect of an eight year old.
Anyway, right, but, still good chavs.
Sometimes I like to take a look at my friend, thank you very much Robert Chorlton, and for driving, you know, so I don't have to deal with the bane of Britain's model train system or the wonders of some might say. You know, the inevitable delays, leaves on the line, the platitudes that come out of the speakers, like: "We are sorry to announce the train has been delayed, there is a sheep on the line currently being buggered by a Welshman". For all you Welsh people out there, it's kind of my trait to take the piss out of them. For I am British after all.
So we're driving around and we see this chav on a bike - will you please pay attention - so we're driving along and - behave - there we are. "I wanna run that chav over, I wanna run that chav over". I'm just there thinking "why would you do that? I don't want that on my conscience. It could be my bike".
Okay, I was thinking that could have gone a lot better than it did. But never mind, so yeah. But anyway, on a final note, I'm just gonna end with this sort of like little this sort of review of life. We all see some pretty stupid fucking things, not at least, anyone from Wakefield here by the way? Apart from myself. Excellent right. I'm guessing some of you here heard about that Romanian who decided to rape someone in Clerkgate Station so he could go to prison and learn English. What the fuck is he going to learn? "Somebody pass the soap"?
Thank you very much you people have been beautiful goodnight.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:16, 51 replies, latest was 14 years ago)

Good luck sweet pea
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:20, Reply)

without accidentally reading little bits of it as I scroll down...
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:28, Reply)

I curled into a fetal ball about 2 paragraphs in.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:32, Reply)

I haven't so much as smirked yet. Not even once.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:33, Reply)

Add to that, the fact it is a STAND UP routine, typing onto the internet seems like a complete waste of everybodies time.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:35, Reply)

just a guess though
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:48, Reply)

still going on about it YEARS later and BOTHERING to TYPE IT OUT is lamer than anything in it.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:38, Reply)

called piston broke. He did that word for word transcription at an open mic comedy night and someone recorded it and put it on the web. It was toe curlingly bad.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:47, Reply)

my new haircut is so third reich I expect my Luger to arrive in the post next week.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:51, Reply)

( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:55, Reply)

but it's soooo bad. Did he ever think he was going to get any laughs from that? I'm cringing as I remember the video of it.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:45, Reply)

but how is that any worse than watching it, taking a transcript, and posting it on here? at least he tried, rather than just taking the piss out of someone else trying!
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:01, Reply)

I thought this might be better. Gives people more of a chance to experience it.
I think it's good material.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:05, Reply)

fucking bou
so, you know. fuck you too and all that!
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:17, Reply)

someone linked me to the /talk chat.
you said i look like bou and linked my pic and someone else said "that's katy perry you twat" (which is bollocks, piston looks more like katy perry than i do) and then there was more rudeness. i've hated you ever since. or more accurately for the 5 mins afterwards, when i forgot all about it. UNTIL JUST NOW.
fucking bou my arse. i'd rather look like syncubus.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:31, Reply)

you mean you searched your own name to see if anyone talked about you.
which is something bou did too.
hey bou.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:33, Reply)

Nobody's ever accused me of being a sock before. It's reverse validation right here.
Thanks fat-face.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:43, Reply)

Now give me your house ktxbai and then come on here at 3am and post about how fat and lonely you are.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:47, Reply)

I've been the singer in a rock band and I was completely out of my depth, I was trying to be as good as Chris Cornell and I simply didn't have the voice. But I made damn sure I practiced long and hard to put on a show that didn't forever embarrass me.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 18:28, Reply)

It's even worse reading it than seeing the video. I may well print this out for sleepless nights and it will bore me to sleep :) Thanks! Actually, I'm yawning now. If piston wasn't such a vacuous twit I'd feel sorry for him. But he is and I don't.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 23:06, Reply)
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