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Saturday Nights
What did you used to do before you got stuck inside, as it were?

Workings must be shown.

Alt: have you eaten yet? Was it nice?

Alt:alt Word magazine has gone, what will I do now?
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 20:40, 33 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I think I went to more indie clubs
I miss them. I miss the sticky, receding carpet and the anglular goths dancing to system of a down, plastic glasses of cider and bitter, dark dancefloors and ultra violet lights illuminating everyone's teeth and my hair, and moshing until closing time and dancing to the silly end song. And then the realisation of the skankiness around us as the lights went up and we were just sweaty, black clad 20somethings with dripping hair surrounded by dead plastic glasses and trampled fag butts.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 21:07, Reply)
I didn't.
I've always been a sad shutin. Before the internet I used to read or watch videos. Yes, it's true. I have always been *this* exciting.

alt: i have. We had a pork roast joint, which I had with salad. It was very nice, thank you for asking.

alt alt: buy 'picture' magazine?
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 21:14, Reply)
oh :(
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 21:34, Reply)
Interior design fail.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 21:48, Reply)
I've always been an insider. I r loooooser.

Alt: Tennessee steak with salad + blue cheese dressing. It was one of the recipes in Waitrose. Yummeh. I'm now washing it down with 4 bottles of Amigos.

I don't particularly like tennis, why am I watching it?
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:20, Reply)
Some sweet looking kitties there on your profile.
One of mine is not far from kitty heaven, sadly.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:31, Reply)
: (
even Biscuit is sad at that one.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:34, Reply)
He's too knackered to get out of the kitty door
So he pisses in the kitchen.

Trouble is, he's still bright and contented in his own way. If I put a litter tray down the other one immediately uses it, then he won't go near it.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:40, Reply)
Could you refit the kitchen door
so the catflap is at ground level?
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:45, Reply)
Not really
It's low as it is.

He's arthritic. He gets himself out some days, and he loves sitting out in the sun.

I don't often emo, but he was my ex-mother-in-law's cat and I inherited him when she died.

I love him for him, but he's a link to someone I also loved. Lisa (ex -wife) doesn't like cats.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:54, Reply)
That's awful. I'm always worried when my cats go outside in case they get hurt, I'd hate it for one of them to die.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:42, Reply)
I used to have fun
I still do when I get time, I suppose. I just don't get time any more.

I rather think that I need an admin employee now. I'm running two shits behind all the time.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:28, Reply)
what a coincidence.
I was talking today about working as a remote PA.

*sends quote*
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:30, Reply)
It's something I'm seriously thinking about
Although with the nature of what I do it'd have to be local to me.

Having said that - I've identified a need, so there must be a need nationally.

There are a few options in my area and I'll be making some enquiries next week, so if you'd like I'll tell you what I find out.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:36, Reply)
Oh cool.
I'd appreciate that.

The way I see it, there must be people who need secretarial suuport, but not enough hours to justify hiring a full time person.

You would just need four ten-hour clients to fill a whole working week.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:41, Reply)
It'd be marketing yourself.
I know one of the people behind this:


And it's one of options.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:48, Reply)

I have fun just stayin' in. Currently watching The Green Mile. Again. Just wow.

I'll be quiet for a while.

(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:40, Reply)

(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:45, Reply)

Best offer I've had all night.
But I'm watchin' the film.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:49, Reply)
Well pleased with my college report today! Had a good few weeks! (just going 'offtopic')
Decided to go for top end unis.
Will give more detail on request.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:48, Reply)

Try somewhere without Internet access.
Keep everyone happy, ye know?
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:50, Reply)
Basically Lampeter then! :-P

(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:51, Reply)
Read Ian Marchant's "The Longest Crawl"
To learn why Lampeter may not be as shite as it sounds.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:58, Reply)

*access denied*
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:00, Reply)
I know somebody at Lampeter.
She hates it.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:06, Reply)
Sod off McIntyre gimp.

(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:57, Reply)

I never used to believe those tales about school leavers who were unable to spell.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:07, Reply)
Sons of guns is bloody brilliant

(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 22:57, Reply)
alright ladies?
Tonight I had a Glenfarclas 105.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:04, Reply)
I see everyone's arriving just as I leave. Don't worry, I won't take it personally.

Night, shutins.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:07, Reply)

Night b3th.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:09, Reply)
"Everyone" is a tad over-optimistic.

(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:10, Reply)

Yo Mystical, don't make me have to put my foot in ya ass be cool now.
(, Sat 30 Jun 2012, 23:10, Reply)

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