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oh god

first line of this actualy made me do a :o
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:53, archived)

Why post this?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:55, archived)

pip pip
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:56, archived)
could someone shout me the moment this starts being funny?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:17, archived)

really, why did you decide to share this with us?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:56, archived)
He's boasting

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:56, archived)
A little girl is killed by 'a catastrophic brain injury' at Christmas
and you post it on /talk with a :o smiley.

I don't understand.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:57, archived)
I'm not just being an arse
I am genuinely baffled by why someone would start a new thread on /talk with this.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:58, archived)
because she's hot and it's funny

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:01, archived)
I read it and was shocked
I wanted to tell someone about it but I'm the only one in my part of the office.

Since when do we need a reason to post a bbc link anyway.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:09, archived)
I mean

Fucking yeah
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:10, archived)
Nobody even likes the entertaining BBC links
Why the fuck you would post an upsetting and boring piece of regional news bullshit is beyond me.

This is a shit thread, try again.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:11, archived)

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:13, archived)

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:19, archived)
I don't think that :o
was particluarly meant in a "OMFG LOLZ = TV ON UR HED!!!111 :)" kind of way.

He was just using it to show his shocked reaction. I think (hope?) that he was as shocked and upset as the rest of us!
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:13, archived)
Wormulus. You love a bit of cyber attention.
Why do the same 4 or 5 QOTW users always reply to me?
Some of whom are quick to tell me they aren't fatty fatty boom booms, every time.

I'm currently handling two at the moment.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:00, archived)
blah blah blah

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:01, archived)

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:05, archived)
They see you as a troll and have decided to feed you rather than ignore you.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:02, archived)
They even say it themselves. I'm a leader.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:05, archived)
I'm afraid I'm no Bella Emberg
or even Rosie O'Donnell.

But being handled by JMG?

I'm just interested in what he has to say.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:20, archived)
He doesn't have anything to say.

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:21, archived)
You two could form a new Legion of Doom.

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:23, archived)
I'm very disappointed
if you're simply complaining that when you post on Offtopic the same people keep replying to you.

Does this consititute entertainment on /talk?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:38, archived)
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:30, archived)
I don't really think this is news
most accidents happen in the home, after all.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:57, archived)
so, your first thought on reading the article was "That's hardly news"?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:58, archived)
Well it's not
I don't see why it deserves coverage. The father wasn't abusive, there was no failing by social services, etc. This is a private matter and should be treated as such.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:58, archived)
Don't get me wrong, my sympathies go out to the family
but if we heard of every death like this...?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:59, archived)
I don't disagree
but it wouldn't be my first reaction
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:00, archived)
I never said it was my first reaction
but it wasn't very long before I thought that.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:01, archived)
Oh DAMN that father not being abusive
I mean I was interested but then it turned out she had a happy life I was all 'what is this shit? Where's the beatings? Where's the years of abuse?' NONSENSE.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:03, archived)
The whole baby P thing should have got coverage
(but not as much as it did) because there was a public interest. A public service had failed in its duty, and as tax payers we need to know this.

But a telly being dropped by accident, it's just news for the sake of news.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:05, archived)
well that'll cheer everyone up

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:57, archived)
That'll teach her to lie at the bottom of the stairs.
Oh wait, no it won't. She's dead.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:58, archived)
stupid little cunt shouldn't have been fucking around
near her dad's feet on the stairs. No sympathy. NEXT.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 13:59, archived)
It's not like she won't have noticed him carrying a big fuck-off TV down the stairs.
Idiot child.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:00, archived)
Some depressed bloke jumped in front of the train this morning
Made me 1 hour late for work.

He must have watched GMTV this morning.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:00, archived)
she needed to tap the 'a' button to dodge
she clearly didn't
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:01, archived)
She needed me to tank
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:03, archived)
You fucking nonce.

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:05, archived)
She needed ME to tank
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:06, archived)
uh non 17k armor 10k health uber tank kthx
21k buffed & pots

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:07, archived)
Ech, I should do some instances sometime
I've not done one since Blood Furnace
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:08, archived)
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:10, archived)
Friend me, I have a Blood Elf Huntress on that realm
Also called Wormulus
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:08, archived)
Will do chief

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:09, archived)
so what you're saying is, you pretend to be a woman online?

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:11, archived)
that's what I got from that

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:12, archived)
My reasoning is thus:

I'd rather look at a female character all the time rather than a wonky beast

People give you free stuff becuase you look pretty

I'm a tranny
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:13, archived)
I find the opposite as girls love staring at my wonky beast.

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:15, archived)
I do this;
And I haven't started playing WoW yet either.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:14, archived)
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:04, archived)
Poor kid.
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:04, archived)
If it's not a personal question
are you a coloured?
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:11, archived)
Nope. Why?

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:14, archived)
you smell of curry

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:37, archived)

(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:41, archived)
See, an LCD would have just given her brain damage
CRTs are too big
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:04, archived)
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:06, archived)
my advice:
don't think about that too hard
(, Mon 29 Dec 2008, 14:38, archived)