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I've a friend who keeps getting "Torrent download error", messgs today off 3 different sites.
Anyone also have any friends with same prob ?

This board is a unpleasant place.
Making a hobby of unpleasantness gives you depression.
Bye Bye, all you masters of sparkling wit and repartee.
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:42, archived)
i dont have any friends you fucking wanker

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:47, archived)

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:50, archived)
this forum has certainly got a horribly dark edge to it recently vlad, gone are the great times

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:51, archived)

I just don't think any of us come here for horribly dark edge, stop it at once everyone
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:54, archived)
This place isn't right without a little bit of moodiness.

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:04, archived)

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 23:07, archived)
I blame trolls like fucksocks and brb.

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:18, archived)
those two are ruining our once great forum

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:21, archived)
yet the mod does nothing, makes you wonder

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:26, archived)
Yeah let's all hope they follow shitshitshit and baldmonkey's example

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:29, archived)

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:59, archived)
Those ones that killed themselves for the good of the forum

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 23:29, archived)
I'd have to phone them to ask.
Is it an emergency?
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:51, archived)
yeah you probably have a system32 error
just search for system32 in the windows folder and delete it
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:52, archived)
What a waste of a ten year account you are.

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:52, archived)
never mind, only 67 messages to go till a lucky trips, this poster has done their bit

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:56, archived)
whoah wait 66 now

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:56, archived)
I am sorry me saying that you'd made a valid contribution struck you as unpleasant

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:27, archived)
i can't believe you people crushed maxinebassett's christmas spirit
for shame, shame on you all
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:29, archived)
No my friends are all cool

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:29, archived)
op is a faggot

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:35, archived)
can i quote you when trying to sell this forum to new users?
"This board is a unpleasant place."
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:41, archived)
awww, christmas
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:45, archived)
nothing says christmas quite like scat porn

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:49, archived)
That was comfortably the shittest thread owner we've had in quite some time.
Fuck off Maxine. You're shit at this.
(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 23:07, archived)
you self-important prick

(, Mon 16 Dec 2013, 23:07, archived)

(, Tue 17 Dec 2013, 2:32, archived)