Ah, but can you see what he didn't do?
Subtlety is key, you see.
Master of Fuckwittery and Bollocks last shat in your soul on,
Sat 7 Aug 2010, 13:19,
Less is more
applies also to laydees :)
sonofabun wouldn't hit a man with no trousers on,
Sat 7 Aug 2010, 13:24,
Are we talking quantity or... *quantity*?
Master of Fuckwittery and Bollocks last shat in your soul on,
Sat 7 Aug 2010, 13:26,
Definitely *quantity*
"I like wimmin big and small, just as long as there are NO clothes at all" (c) Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
sonofabun wouldn't hit a man with no trousers on,
Sat 7 Aug 2010, 13:32,