I'm a bit conflicted about that flim.
It was just a remake after all, wasn't it? But with added campy Michael Sheen.
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot,
Fri 4 Mar 2011, 10:02,
I reckon it looked amazing, and enjoyed that, yes.
But, completely with you - the ending was bellox; And given Disney had already greenlit a sequel, it pretty much much telegraphed that out, too.
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot,
Fri 4 Mar 2011, 10:09,
I liked the ending.
I liked everything about the film. Twas bloody ace
taters Bah weep grahnah weep ninibong,
Fri 4 Mar 2011, 10:10,