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# As I said on links a while back
the protesters should be rioting against government/councils etc that allow the loopholes like selling from Jersey/Luxembourg etc and not paying up on time - if that is indeed what they are doing like so many other successful companies do.
Any one of us would make use of a legally acceptable trick if it saved us a huge chunk of cash, you can't blame Tesco for that, but you can blame the people that make it possible and allow it to continue.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 14:10, archived)
# Changes to legislation take time.
Certain parties have had payments from Tesco before and don't feel the need to make changes to laws all that quickly. And every time a hole is closed, some clever cunt at Barclay's or KPMG or PwC finds another one.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 14:15, archived)