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# Bastard students, coming over here, opening up corner shops, selling us dodgy takeaway curry and stealing our womenfolk
Weren't like that in my day, down t'pit before you could walk, lump of coal for dinner and Wetherspoons were summat you hung in y' parlour t'tell if 'twere sunny outside. Bah
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 18:35, archived)
# I concur!
Knowledge is nothing more than a socialist luxury.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 18:44, archived)
# damn right
and good on the tories for raising fees to match the wealthys income. keeps plebs like me out, so we have no choice to become grist for t' mill.

*waves enzymes flag*
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 19:09, archived)