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# Hmm, that sounded a bit prudish.
I meant that in terms of the number of pieces of work I have to get done soon, this sort of thing is down the list and it also removes the arched eyebrow and 'Research or fun, love?' from the Mrs...
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 13:45, archived)
# Got a local art society?
At mine we club together to hire life models 4-5 times a year
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 13:54, archived)
# Then draw lots to see who goes curb-crawling?
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 13:58, archived)
# Hahaha :D
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 13:59, archived)
# Ha!
"Hey HEIKM, why are all the girls you draw alseep?"
"Alseep. Yeeeah...."
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 14:00, archived)
# Haha wish it was only ladies
The dirty old woman who books the models gets blokes half the damn time

EDIT must dash, fluffy wants to go to beach and I plan to draw a massive time lapse cock in the sand if it's not too busy
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 14:04, archived)
# I bet that gets awkward:
"Hey! My cock's way bigger than that! Draw it again."
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 14:08, archived)
# I tend to 'gloss' over that area but last time we had a fat chap
who didn't have a single hair on his body and I had the full frontal experience in various poses for 3 hours solid.
laters ;)
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 14:13, archived)
# Pick up a mind bleach for me while you're at the shops.
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 14:23, archived)
# It took more than the 1 bottle :'(
(, Sat 9 Feb 2013, 17:52, archived)